Chapter 9

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I woke up and went straight for the kitchen. I was so hungry I thought I was going to die.
When I looked around for food i found a cake in the fridge with Childes note "Hey girlie! I went to work but I left you some cake~ treat yourself!♡"

He's so goofy but sweet sometimes. Words can't express how much you loved the cake. It was soft and very moist, sweet but not too sweet. The perfect texture!

Today was another important day! It was the final touches of the stage you were working on. You and your team have all worked very hard.

When you arrive at work everybody was filled with excitement. People were chatting and goofing off while still being very productive. More productive than usual. You got your daily free coffee and headed to check out the stage.

Oh wow.. it was perfect, it was big and bold, colorful but not too colorful, the perfect material, look, texture, etc. You were very proud of your team. You gave everyone the thumb of approval before heading out to make the final touches.

After the stage was finished it was time for workers to move it to it's rightful place for the festival. The festival.. THE FESTIVAL!. you totally forgot to buy a new outfit for the festival, you were looking so forward to it but now that you have so much work to do on the last day. You wouldn't be able to go shopping. And tomorrow all the shops will be closed for the festival.

"Why do bad things happen to me.." you were devastated. But still continued to work. Maybe if you finished your work in time you'd get a chance to find some shop still open.

It's been hours. You finally finished your work. But no shops were open.. It was past midnight. You went home feeling defeated and miserable. In front of the door was waiting Childe. Who didn't look too happy.

"where have you been. Do you know how many bad people roam the streets at night!?" He sounded like a dad which made you extremely confused and weirded out. But even when he was giving you a very long and loud lecture you didn't listen to him. You were too sad you didn't get to go shopping for tomorrows big day.

Childe kept his hands on your shoulders and begin violently shaking you trying to make you listen. He was caught off guard when you just hugged him.

None of you said anything. You just stood there, in front of your house, hugging in silence. He didn't hug back tho, he was too flabbergasted to do anything. After a minute you stop hugging him and headed inside closing the door behind you.

Childe was still outside processing what had just happened.

Later that night you tell him what had happened and he listened to your whole story without interrupting. It was unusual but nice.

You went to sleep after that but Childe said he had to go back to work for an "emergency thing". You said ok and gave him the thumb of approval.

Childe POV

After hearing Y/Ns story I felt kinda bad and made up a lie to go somewhere. I hate to lie but this will be worth it. She will LOVE this after I'm done.

I burst open the doors of the Fatui house or as they like to call it "The rented property where Fatui members temporarily live" .
Anyway.. I burst open the doors and say "I NEED A DRESS FOR TOMORROWS FESTIVAL."

I stood there processing what I had just said. And realized what I just said sounded very wrong. "Well like I Me..I don't need one but's for someone else.. and like I need it... And like.. UGH you get the point."

There were like 5 fatui harbingers in the room. All of them in their sleep clothes or work clothes. They all looked tired and most had coffee in their hands. "Master Childe, Please do not scream..or break the doors. Its 2am." A electro mage was clearly too tired to deal with me.

"Just give me a dress. One that's nice and something Y/N would like." Oh fuck. I had said her name. Work should be interesting on Monday. Rumors, Gossips, ugh why am I so stupid.

"Wait. Y/N as in THE Y/N L/N.." everyone looked at me in shock. "Is that where you have been living recently.." an agent asked. "Are they together, married perhaps?" Everyone started talking. "No She wouldn't choose someone like him.. don't tell him I said that." "Your right"..

What I feared the most had happened. Gossip..

"EVERYONE SHUT UP. NO WE'RE NOT TOGETHER, SHE WOULD TOTALLY CHOOSE ME, YES IM LIVING WITH HER." I was about to rage quit life. I was so done with these stupidos.

After what felt like forever I finally got an outfit that was perfect for Y/N.


I woke up and Childe was still not back.

"It's been hours.. where is he.?" I was thinking to myself all the horrible things that could happen. Why am I like this.. forget it. forget about Childe. I'm going to sleep.

I thought I was a genius. Pushing Childe out of my mind and relaxing. WRONG. I was terribly wrong. I couldn't relax. I ended up sitting in front of the door waiting for Childe to come back.

After what felt like days.. The door finally opened and it was Childe. He looked down at me sitting on the floor with a very tired look on my face. I was happy so I gave him a soft smile before passing out from the lack of sleep.

That was the last thing i remembered.

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