Chapter 7

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You woke up in a dark room. The room smelled horrible like dead bodies. "Hello? What is this? Where am I?" You had many questions but no answers. You looked around and saw a door in the distance. You walked up to it and stared at it for a while before opening it. You walked through the door and saw a beautiful land full of marshmallow trees and talking candy clouds with winged hotdogs flying in the air. It was magnificent. You walked around admiring the scenery and decided to eat one of the winged hotdogs. You were enjoying yourself until you got that weird feeling again. The feeling you've been getting for days. You stopped what you were doing to look around only to find the world crumbling apart. Slowly the sky started to crack and the trees and clouds were melting. The hotdogs were crying black liquid. You noticed a tall black figure in the distance. You went to take a closer look but..

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!" he yelled enthusiastically. You suddenly woke up in a shock and slapped him across the face. "I was having a nice dream.." you say to him in an annoyed voice. "Well Missy you're late for work heart" he said while jumping around like a kid who got overdosed by candy. If that makes sense. "heart? Who says heart out loud???..." You ask him forgetting you're late for work. Reality hits you and you quickly get out of bed and get ready for work. You grab the letter from the drawer and quickly ran out of your house waving to your temporary roommate Childe.

While running you look around for a clock.
Fortunately you found one near the adventurers guild. It was 7:21. You weren't late, Childe just lied to you. You felt relieved but also angry so you decide to head over to Xiangling for some breakfast. "Hey Xiangling" you walk up to the counter. "Y/N what a surprise! Can I get you the usual?" You nod and she brings out your favorite breakfast. You give her a soft smile and she looks happy. After consuming your food you notice Hisou sitting on the edge of the sidewalk. You pay for what you ordered and walk up to Hisou. "Hey buddy how's it hanging?" You sat down next to him on the cold concrete and try to get a better look at his face. He looked horrible. His eyes were tired and his eyebags were huge. He was pale and his hair was dirty. "When was the last time you slept?" You ask him with a worried look in your eyes. He looks over to you and you look back at him. "i haven't slept at all. I don't remember the last time I ate, drank, or took a shower."

He looked defeated. You had no idea what to do so you took him to the nearest shop to get some food. You also told him to go home and get some rest. You tried to comfort him and kept reassuring that you're gonna speak to Lady Ningguang about Yuris disappearance. He looked relieved and agreed to go home and sleep. You both said your goodbyes and walked the opposite direction.

When you finally got to work you said good morning to everyone and went to get your free coffee to start off the day. You then went to your side of the building to start working. The company mainly fixed and built stuff and your main job was to help, guide, and give instructions to the other workers. You did a lot more than that because you wanted to make the most of work. You really liked your job.

It was a busy day and everyone was working hard. You were building a huge stage for an upcoming event. It was a big event with lots of attractions and performances. Rumors say that there's even gonna be some special guests from all over Tevyat visiting. You always wanted to go with Yuri because he never got to see stuff like that. You guys were great friends. Even tho you didn't show it. You guys liked to keep your friendship a secret. Mostly. You felt sad that you're only other socially awkward coworker was missing. You tried rethinking the memories you guys made to help yourself calm down but it only made you more sad.

You went to your office to finish up for the day. You went to unlock the door to your office only to find it already unlocked. You felt unsure what you were about to see but when you opened the door you found Hu Tao sitting in your chair with a fancy coffin leaned against the wall. "How did THAT get through security..or the door..? Was the first question you had. Hu Tao laughed and pulled out a sheet of paper. "let's get to business..Shall we?" Her wicked smile and the way her weird flower eyes pierced through your soul creeped you out. You took a chair and a pen and sat down on the other side of the table opposite to her. You knew you had no choice but to sign it but you really didn't want to.

"Let's get this over with."

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