Chapter 6

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The next morning you were really energetic for some reason and you decided to go for a run. You got your most comfortable running clothes and a water bottle. You were so excited, it was 5:40Am and Childe was snoring. You opened the door only to find out it was heavily raining outside. You wanted to cry.

So you closed the door and started to think what to do. A little bit of thinking and you decided to read your favorite book series.

It was now 10:34 and Childe finally woke up.  His hair was messy and his eyes were half closed. He was wearing some white shorts with hearts on them and a Gray skull shirt. He looked like a mess. "You look wonderful" you told him but he wasn't having it. "Shut the fuck up." He looked at you annoyed. His sentence surprised you. He has never acted like that when it comes to you. You brushed it off and continued to look at your book while Childe waddled his way into the kitchen and started to find something to eat.

After a while Childe said he had to go get some business done and that he won't be back until dark. You didn't really care. As long as he's alive that's all that matters to you. An hour went by and someone knocked on your door. It was Yuris roommate. "Oh hey uhh..  you!" You couldn't remember this guys name even if your life depended on it. "It's Hisou. And Is Yuri here? He didn't come home yesterday I figured he might be at your house."  You suddenly got an uncomfortable feeling snd started to shiver. "No He wasn't here.. But shouldn't we be worried. There has been a lot of sketchy stuff going around Liyue lately." You and Hisou decided that it was was weird and you decided to go look for him. 

You and Hisou have been walking for hours asking round if anyone has seen Yuri. You went to all his family homes and asked around. You guys went to his office to ask if he was seen. You even went to the market. Nothing.. "he's a grown man he can't just disappear.." Hisou said while sitting on the edge of sidewalk with you. You were really worried.. This weird feeling that someone had been following you.. and now this.. you just prayed that Yuri is alive and well.. Surprise Surprise he's not. You and Hisou decide that you'll continue looking outside the city tomorrow and that both of you will keep your eyes open for anything suspicious.
You said your goodbyes and both of you started walking home. It was still raining but you had an umbrella with you.

You arrived home and immediately smelled something good. You walked to the kitchen to find Childe cooking and singing to himself. You stood there quietly admiring him and waiting for him to notice you. When he did he jumped "AHHH-" he almost dropped the spoon. "You scared the crap out of me.. how long have you been standing there?" He looked embarrassed. "A while." You said looking smug like always. Childes face was complete red and he was trying to cover his face in his hands. You walked away putting your clothes to dry and taking a quick hot shower to warm up. You sat down on the couch and Childe brought you your dinner "For you mademoiselle" he then sat beside you and you both talked about your day. Except you lied and said you went out to fix another stage for the theater. You couldn't tell him what you were actually doing. But neither could he tell you what he was doing. He told you that he was on a small quest trying to find some treasure hoarders but reality is much worse.

Both of you ate and Childe said he's gonna go take a long shower. You toom this as an opportunity to write a letter to your friend Keqing. You wanted her to find out some stuff about Yuri. And you knew she could do it. You finished the letter and hid it in your secret drawer so nobody can find it until you had delivered it to Keqing. "I love hot showers" Childe came in looking very fresh. You were ready to sleep and so was he. You guys chatted for a while before falling asleep next to each other.

Meanwhile Hisou was out putting up missing person posters

Missing Person!

Brown Hair, Gold eyes,
5'7 , like a stick.

Last seen wearing a gray hoodie and some black trousers with a white striped shirt with church shoes.

Last seen 2 days ago on Wednesday evening 18:50

If seen report immediately to Hisou Yokosima

Thank you.

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