Chapter 10

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It was the festival day. Well technically "festival weekend" . The festival was a huge one. People from all around Tevyat were gonna be there. The festival will only be here for a few days but it's still very popular. It was 6am and the docks were already filled with boats. People were constantly walking and running, unpacking their stuff or talking, waving, singing, setting up booths and stalls, etc. It was a very festive morning.

But you and Childe were miserably tired. You were up until almost 4am. And all the noises outside didn't make it easy for you guys to sleep.

You had somehow managed to push Childe off the bed in your sleep. He didn't wake up so it's fine.

You guys wanted to sleep for a few more hours until you heard something crash. You both wake up getting your weapons ready and slowly approaching the corridor. You were ready to attack whoever just broke into your house.

You were about to attack when Childe goes "HIYAAAAA!!" and jumps on top of one of the guys threatening to take his life before realizing. It's his coworker.

Childes coworkers broke into your house.

Your window was complete smashed and a bit of your wall was missing. What the fuck.. you tought to yourself.

"What the heck guys. You can't just destroy someones window like that." Childe was scolding his coworkers while you looked defeated on the floor picking up shards of glass. You were miserable.

"I'm sorry sir. We can pay for the repair." One of the fatui said.

"No. You will pay for the repair. You will do much more than just repair."

After a few minutes of you being broken and depressed about your window. Reality hits you. It's the festival.

The Fatuus were currently apologizing to Childe but you didn't have time for that. So you jumped over one of them and headed to your room to change. You also wondered why they were apologizing to Childe and not you.

After getting dressed, you did your hair and packed your small emergency bag. You walked out of your room to a really chaotic scene. Childe had taken out his bow and Is now beating his co-workers with it. One if the guards was on the floor begging for him to stop beating him with a bow and the other three were in the distance looking terrified.

"If you're finished with your little.. whatever this is. I'll see you guys later. Byeee!"

And with that, you were out of the house and now on the very busy streets. You didn't have work during the festival so you had no idea what to do.

You looked around you and as you kept looking, more and more things kept catching your attention. There was so much to do you didn't even know where to start.

"Hey Y/N!" Your friend Xiangling cheered enthusiastically as always. She was with two other people. Xingqiu and Xinyan.

You walked over to your friend and said hello to everyone. You guys kept talking about stuff and having fun while walking around the street, looking at all the cool things there.

That was, until you turned to Xinyan who was looking in the distance. "You good?" You ask her hoping she'll say yes.

"I think.. I think I saw something just now.?"

She looked a bit scared. You immediately think about everything that has happened recently.

"What did you see?" You ask her. You weren't sure if you actually wanted to know what she saw.

" I-I think i just saw Yuri..?" She looked confused but worried at the same time.

You were flabbergasted.


You almost tripped trying to run to where she was looking to find Yuri. The others quickly followed you. You were looking around and no sign of Yuri.. or anyone who looked like him.

"Hah.. nice one. But that wasn't so funny."

"I'm not joking. I think I really did see him.."

You can't be mad at Xinyan. You were just disappointed Yuri wasn't actually there..

You kept looking around hoping and begging that Yuri would just magically be somewhere. But it's no use. You either didn't see him or there were too many people.

"How about we go get something from the food stalls? Everything smells delicious!" Xiangling thankfully broke the awkward silence and you all headed towards the food stalls.

Childes POV

I went straight to work and didn't even get to enjoy the festival. They told me there's still a "little" work left to do before everyone can go.

Ugh.. honestly. Why are we working overtime. If I were to get paid hourly I would be the richest man in Tevyat.

Work was super boring. I only had to look at some papers and then attack some treasure hoarders who were trying to steal the Fatuis resources.

I also had to discuss things with the other soldiers. To be completely honest..

I didn't listen much. I had my mind on something else.. or rather.. someone else.

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