Chapter 13

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The last thing you wanna hear is a ginger snoring next to you when you wake up.

You slowly wake up and recall the memories from last night only to remember.

"Oh shit. I'm still on the roof."

You quickly shake childe awake and he almost has a heart attack when he looks down and realizes where he is. He then quickly flops down on his back and stares at the clouds.

You on the other hand need to go to work. You say bye bye to Childe and start climbing your way down. You go home and get ready for work. Before you could even lock your doors Xiao was standing in front of your door.

"Oh hello! What are you doing here?". You ask him with a confused look. He looks..  worried? No. Uncomfortable..?

"We need to talk. About the fatui scum."

"Oh you mean Childe? Did he say something to you? I swear I'll beat his a-"

He quickly shook his head and then let himself inside your house and closes the door behind him.

"Childe.. I don't trust that guy. He was acting weird yesterday."

Questions begun invading your mind. What do you mean yesterday? What did he do? Eh..? Huh?.

"Say what now"

"I'm saying that he was acting strange yesterday."

"How would you know that?."

What a weird way to start the day, you thought to yourself. Xiao looked annoyed but also embarrassed.? Did you say something to piss him off?

"I was just checking to make sure you don't get yourself killed. But that's beside the point, what I'm tryi-"

"Aww you care about me?.. that's so sweet of you♡"

"Tch.. nevermind that. Yesterday when I was watching over the city I saw Childe coming back from the mountains all bloody and bruised."

"But that's his jo-"

"I know that's his job. But it was different. He looked all.. smiley and happy. Like he'd just.. murdered someone for fun. Anyway. I went to the mountains to have a look and.."

Xiao got quiet and looked around the place before reaching into his pocket and handing me a dirty bloody scarf.

Not just any scarf.. no way.. It was Yuris scarf..?

As you held the scarf in your hands your body began to shiver. Your hands were shaking and you were overwhelmed with thoughts.

What is happening?. No way Childe did this.. Right? Why would he?

You look up to Xiao with tears forming in your eyes. As soon as he noticed you staring he looked away.

"I don't know what happened. But.. be careful around Childe."

He then gave you a light small hug and told you to be cautious and if anything happens, you can always call his name.

With that.. he was gone.

It was just you.. yourself and your thoughts. You wanted to cry.. Why would anyone do this.? Especially Childe..

"I'm gonna find out the truth for myself. And I will get to the bottom of this. But before I do.. nobody needs to know."

You hide the scarf somewhere you know people wouldn't find it and then headed to work acting like nothing happened.

On your way to work you felt strange. Maybe it was the fact you just found out that your super cute best friend might have killed your friend and your boss. Maybe it was the guilt that you know too much. Maybe it was confusion or the heat.

You quickly get to work and start working on your work..stuff.

While you were working, you were also doing research on Yuri. You called it the "Yuri case". Pretty original if you ask me.

You searched everything, his family, his files, his work stuff, financial things, personal life.

Your one thought was that maybe he was in debt to the fatui. But he was generally a quiet dude and kept his distance with the fatui.

It doesn't make sense. Why.. How..  WHY?.

After hours, you were finally finished with your stuff and were ready to head home.

But before you could even walk out the door a familiar ginger greeted you at the entrance of your office.

You smiled and waved at him from afar but inside, you were scared and confused. You were probably dripping from sweat and you looked like you had seen a ghost.

"Heyy girlie! Wanna go out for dinner? I booked us a place.. fancy place~"

You really didn't want to.

"Oh sure! That sounds great♡"

He took your bag and you guys started walking towards the restaurant.

In the restaurant Childe told you all about his adventures with the fatui. And for some reason you almost forgot he might be the reason your friend is dead. You loved listening to him talk. It made you happy.

But you were playing it safe for now. You acted like nothing happened and kept your guard up the entire dinner.

The food was delicious tho... and fancy

Childe x Reader Smut Not So SmutWhere stories live. Discover now