Chapter 4

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It's almost midnight and you can't sleep. Tartaglia seems to be sleeping just fine so you decided not to bother him and went to your small balcony. You felt the breeze and took the beautiful night in. It was fascinating.. the stars were up high and there was not a single cloud that could ruin it all. The moon was bright as ever and of course Celestia was there among the stars.

You let out a small breath before allowing yourself to relax and you started singing small lullabies. Your voice was enough to make an angel fall. It was magnificent. You kept singing your little songs like the world didn't matter. You knew nobody could hear you because it was midnight and you lived a little far from others. Kind of behind other houses.

Childes POV

I woke up to a beautiful sound. And naturally I was curious to know what it was. I looked on my left and Y/N wasn't there. I guess now we know who's that mysterious voice. I headed towards the sound only to find my beautiful Y/N singing her heart out on the balcony. She was so beautiful I just wanted to admire her until end of time. I kept admiring her until I saw someone appear next to her.

"You sound beautiful. Why don't you do this every night?" A cyan haired short guy said.
I could feel my blood boil as the echoes of the guys voice go circles in my mind. I wanted to kill him. He didn't deserve the pleasure of her laughter, her smile, even her attention. He deserved to die. And I'll make sure he knows it. I continued spying on the two of them for quite some time. Watching them laugh and chat. Every time the cyan haired guy opened his mouth I could feel my blood boil 650°. I kept myself from killing him just yet. I later find out his name was Xiao and him and Y/N seem to be good friends.

After a while you said goodbye to Xiao and returned to your room where Childe was eagerly waiting for you. "You look..awake? Something happen?" You say trying to make it sound like you didn't just sing your heart out on the balcony. He walked behind you and slid his hands under your shirt hugging you tight. You closed your eyes and pulled you to the bed. He pinned you down holding your hands above your head. He leans in for a kiss but then stops and outs his finger on your lips." You haven't earned it yet." He whispered into your ear like an alpha he was. You felt your face turn red and could t get a single word out. Childe let go of you sitting next to you while you try to process everything that happened. What made him do this? He never acted this way? He only liked you as a friend? Is this a way to tease you? Questions were bugging your tiny peanut brain and you felt yourself give up. You just laid there while Childe snuggles into the blanket. "Goodnight comrade!" He says before falling off to sleep.

It was 6am you didn't get any sleep. You still weren't sure how you should react. You reprocessed everything for the 145th time until you came to an answer. Childe woke up enthusiastic as ever. " Good morning my beautiful cumrade!" He freaked you out and you knew what you had to do. You quickly pushed him back down on the bed getting on top of him and pinning his hands down. You stared at him with this weird look in your eyes. He looked surprised but his surprised expression quickly became a desperation for your body. He moved in to kiss you but you slapped him as hard as you can and he started tearing up. "This is what you get to making me stay up all night thinking about your stupid teasing and not being able to sleep!" You yelled. Your face got red recalling the moments from midnight.

"First..ow.." Childe started to say something but you quickly threw his clothes and a shopping list on his face. "Go make yourself useful" you say while walking into the bathroom.

Childes POV

"Can't believe I got thrown out of the house. This is kinda embarrassing for me." I kept walking around the city looking for stores on the list. This would be a lot easier if Y/Ns handwriting wasn't dog shit. Near the distance i see Yuri. He was with another woman."Well this day just got a lot more interesting.."

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