Chapter 8

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"Wonderful doing business with you Y/N as always!" Hu tao smiled and then walked away leaving that huge fancy coffin in your office. You decide to push the coffin in a closet near the back so nobody would see it. You bought it just in case Yuri never shows up. You weren't sure if he was alive anymore. You've lost almost all hope you had but that little spark kept you going.

After work you head to the post office to deliver a letter to Keqing. You still remember your rather traumatizing day at the post office. It was fine tho you didn't care. The day ended nicely so it's fine.

After leaving the post office you wanted to go outside the city to take a walk. You just wanted a distraction to help you forget about your missing friend.

On your way you saw 2 kids playing near a small lake. For some odd reason you smiled at them but they obviously were too busy playing so they didn't notice you pass by.

You end up on a hill watching the sunset, thinking about stuff. You were too busy with your own thoughts you didn't notice the Fatui watching you. As soon as you heard noise behind you, one of the Fatui members pulled a bag over your head. That was the last thing you remembered.

Childes POV

It's been hours where is she.. I was losing my mind. It's dark outside and her work should've ended hours ago. I can't possibly stay here and wait. I have to do something.

I took my weapon and some stuff and went out to find her. But the problem was I had no idea where she could've gone to, Liyue Harbor is huge. I decided to go to her work to maybe find her asleep in her office or something.

Long story short.. she wasn't there and none of her coworkers have seen her ever since she left. Now I'm really panicking, this cannot be happening. Is this karma.. did she die..IS SHE DEAD?! All kinds of images popped up in my mind and at this point I'm on the cold concrete sobbing as people look at me in disgust.

I have to be strong. I can't give up. I will keep looking. I WON'T GIVE UP ON YOU Y/N. I was feeling hungry so I went to grab a snack. I was feeling generous so I tipped the waiter 300,000 mora. And the search goes on.

I didn't get far until one of my men came to talk to me about the person they caught. I knew we had to catch some sketchy merchant but didn't know how they looked like.

When we entered the bank the men escorted me into the room where the hostage was. I heard screaming from inside the cell and a man ran out with scratches and bite marks all over him. "Are you sure it's human?" I asked the guard before entering the cell.

I prepared myself for combat but all i found was..

Y/N?! I can't believe it. Infront of my very eyes is my sweet honey bum bum Y/N. "What the-?" I couldn't even finish my sentence before she jumped at me and kept going on and on about how the fatui guards had kidnapped her and tortured her. But it looked like she was torturing them more..

I explain to her that I had no idea and made every last one of the guards who were involved apologize. After that I felt bad and bought her a big cake. But when i got home she was asleep on the couch.

"Rough day?"

No answer. She was sound asleep. I put down the cake and scoop her up into my arms. She still didn't wake up. I waddled over to the bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. Then i tucked her in like the good guy I am.

I ate the some of the cake alone in the kitchen before taking a shower and going to bed.

"What a fun day it was."

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