The Departure

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             Bree stared at the new screen in shock.

"... What the hell's going on here?..."

She mumbled weakly as her legs gave put and she fell to the floor. She hugged her knees tightly.
She was panting as her eyes were wide open and her pupils had constricted.

'How the hell does this thing know my name?Why is this happening?! And to me?! At this time?!'

She was confused.

'In all those fantasy novels and manga I've read, I've never heard of a protag being a black woman!'

It was true that no black person has ever held a system before(according to her knowledge on manga and novels).
She was completely confused.

'Is it even safe to walk through this thing?'

She narrowed her gaze.

[Ding, Dong!]


She stared at the screen as her eyes widened in shock.

"What the fuck?"

She honestly did not know what to do now so she decided to ask some questions.

"What are mission worlds?"

[Ding, Dong!]
[They are independent worlds which have fully formed. These worlds can come from novels or alternate universes and dimensions.]

She heard the voice then her mouth twitched.

'Am I in a Sci-fi movie now?'

She felt even more reluctant to enter the portal, more so because she was tired.
She decided to ask a question which she thought was appropriate.

"Are they dangerous?"

[Ding, Dong!
[Like the Host's planet which many things which can kill a person, YES.]

She heard the voice and saw the emphasis on the "yes" on the screen and shuddered.

'What kind of dangers are there for such a reaction?'

          She felt even more reluctant to enter the portal. To her, it was her safety first not some random system taking her on a random and super dangerous adventure. No thank you!

[Ding, Dong!]
[Host will automatically leave for the first mission world in an hour whether you want to or not.]

[Please gather all essentials which are needed and either enter the before the countdown is over or wait for the countdown to end and be sent into the world.]

She stared at the screen and grimaced.

'...... So in an hour I will automatically be sent into a super dangerous world and might die..... That's a load of balony!'

She totally did not believe it and wanted to go and sleep but her instincts spoke to her at that moment, telling her to at least pack some stuff for the journey

"..... I cannot believe I'm about to do this..."

       She spent thirty to forty-five minutes simply finding her large hiking bag and packing successfully 5 sets of clothing, she packed an iron kettle, 12 instant ramen noodles, a water bottle, a sleeping bag, a small-sized tent, a knife, some chopsticks, a bowl and some beef jerky.

She looked at the bag which still, surprisingly,  had a little bit of space in it.

'... What should I pack now?'

She stroked her hairless chin then she realised.

'... Ah! I didn't pack any spices!'

She immediately went to her kitchen and took out as much spices as she could fit in the bag.

She collapsed on her knees as she yawned. She rubbed her eyes. Her head was drooping.

"... Sooo~ sleepy~"

Then, she heard the system's notification sound then the mechanical voice of a woman sounded.

[Ding, Dong!]
[Host, you must wear clothes instead of a towel.]

Her eyes which were closing immediatelywidened in shock as she looked at the screen and narrowed her gaze.

'.... You can see me?'

[Ding, Dong!]

Her face turned a bit pale.

'Is this thing a ... spirit?!'

She was now terrified.

[Ding, Dong!]
[You are left with ten minutes until the automatic teleportation will carry out. Please be dressed in a suitable attire as the place you'll spawn in a snowy plain.]

[Please note that if your clothes are able to provide warmth but are heavy, you will be slow and at a disadvantage.
It is prescribed to wear light yet warm clothes.]
She stared at the screen then sprung up.

"... Fine! I'll put on some winter clothes that are light. I'll do it."

       So she dragged her body to her bedroom and took out some clothes and wore them.
She looked at herself in the mirror and felt stylish.

"Ooooh~, me likey!"

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"Ooooh~, me likey!"

She stood there admiring herself when a notification popped up.

[Ding, Dong!]
[Host will be teleported in one minute's time. Please be ready.]

She looked at the screen and frowned.

'Tch! Just when I was looking at myself. Like can this thing not see how fine I am?"

She started making her way out of the room when she suddenly stopped.

'Come to think of it,... I maybe going to a highly dangerous place with my only weapon being a kitchen knife?'

She found it ridiculous. She moved towards the bed then she pulled out a black suitcase from under it.
She inputted the passcode "5297" to unlock it. She looked into the suitcase to see an assault rifle and a sniper gun with tons of ammunition.

She suddenly remembered how she got it when she buying some stuff from a salesman who sneaked them into her stuff.
When she first found out she had a gun at home, she freaked out and refused to touch it. After sometime though, she felt that being able to use a gun was badass and plus, she wanted to keep herself entertained so she went to a local shooting range and stared practicing.
After some years, she gained an adequate skill.

She closed the suitcase and grabbed a long strap then slung it over her shoulder.
She made her way to the living room quickly and grabbed the bag.

"This better be worth it for me to bring out ma babies..."

She muttered as she stood before the portal. She noticed its blue colour had changed to ice blue and it was swirling nonstop.

"What in the world?"

[Ding, Dong!]
[Host shall now be teleported to the Snowy Plains of the Cyx World. Good luck.]

The portal shone brighter as she felt a force push her into the portal.

"Wait,... It was real?!"

She shouted while being pushed and it echoed.
The portal then closed.

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