Twin (E.O)

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Y/T/N = your twin's name
Lizzie's pov

Y/N and I have been together for 6 months now. They have met my sisters and I have yet to meet their sibling. I haven't seen pictures of them either. Y/N was currently at work as I decided to go and surprise them when I saw them inside a restaurant with some other woman. I watched in horror as they leaned in and kissed. I felt my heart break as I watched them before I stormed back home.

I sat on the sofa crying all day. Maybe I should have went in their and confronted them. But then that would have drawn attention to us both.

"Hey sweetheart." I heard them speak as I just sat their with tears still falling down my cheeks.

"Who is she?" I asked them as I stood up and faced them.

"Who?" They asked genuinely confused.

"That whore you have been sleeping with." I shouted as they looked at me amusedly. "We're supposed to he having dinner with Y/T/N tonight and you have gone and ruined the best thing you ever had." Before they answered the doorbell went which I just scoffed as they went to answer it. I heard them greet Y/T/N and their wife Sarah.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet the girl who has made our Y/N smile." They said with a smile as I looked between them both. Both wore amused expressions on their faces as they stood before me.

"You are twins." I stated as they both nodded. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were identical."

"Well to be fair you never asked." Y/N smiled at me as they walked up to me. "Just know that I would never cheat on you." They told me as they wrapped their arm around my waist and gave me a soft peck. My cheeks burned red in shame as Y/N chuckled at this situation.

"Well, I guess we are ordering in then." I stated as Y/N just kissed the top of my head.

"Whatever you want sweetheart." Y/N smiled at me.

"How's everyone for chinese." I said as they all agreed.

We all sat and ate with small conversations. I watched between Y/N and Y/T/N and how they were together. It was like they are two best friends who haven't seen each other in forever.

"So, how can you tell them apart if they wore the same clothes?" I asked Sarah as she thought.

"Well Y/N is the more charming one." She said before she remembered something. "Before Y/T/N and I were married. They were running late for a date and sent Y/N in the same outfit. They spoke charmingly and nothing at all like Y/T/N." At this both Y/N and Y/T/N were listening.

"And you still haven't paid me back for that. I thought I was going to lose my single life." Y/N stated as Y/T/N just laughed at them.

"Did you guys kiss?" I asked wanting to know with a smirk.

"Nope." Both Sarah and Y/N said at the same time.

"That was how I knew." Sarah started. "Y/T/N always practically wants to have sex whenever they see me. Well they used to."

"Hey, that was how we got the twins." Y/T/N said as Y/N and I just laughed at the pair of them. "And I still can't believe you thought that Y/N would cheat on you." They said to me as I shook my head and looked at my feet in embarrassment. 

"I never knew you were identical." I laughed with them. 

"What about clothes?" Y/T/N smirked as they cocked a brow. 

"Well, what they had on kind of slipped my mind when I saw someone with the same face as my partner kissing another woman." I told them as Sarah agreed with me. 

"I would have to agree. If I saw Y/N kissing you without meeting them first I would have thought that Y/T/N was cheating." Sarah said as the others still laughed at my dismay. I threw a spring roll at Y/N which they caught it and started to eat. "How the hell do you stay in shape and eat so much?" She asked Y/N.

"Exercise." They smirked as they wriggled their eyebrows making me blush harder at what they're insinuating. 

"We would have to try their routine for me to get in shape." Y/T/N said as Sarah glared at them. 

"Nope. Not until you get a vasectomy. I already have two of your spawn. I don't need no more." She shouted as they held their hand over their heart pretending to be hurt. We spent the rest of the evening laughing and joking, even Y/N and Y/T/N telling us about some of the evil pranks they used to play on their mother when they were kids. When both Sarah and Y/T/N left, Y/N and I cleaned up together.  As I was holding the rubbish bag, Y/N came over and took it from me. 

"You know how much I love you right?" They said as they wrapped their arms around my waist.

"Nope. You've never said those three words to me before." I teased them as they just smiled warmly at me. 

"I am so in love with you Elizabeth Chase Olsen. You are the one for me and I plan on spending my life with you." They spoke softly as they gazed in my eyes lovingly. 

"I am so unbelievably in love with you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. And I will be ready to say yes when you ever decide to propose." I replied as they smiled brighter before they kissed my lips passionately. The way they kissed me told me that I had no reason to worry about us. Y/N is it for me and I wouldn't want to be in anyone else's arms. 


A little fluffyish one to start it off. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think.

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