We Shouldn't Do This (W M)

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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader

Warnings: step cest Virgin Wanda. Smut. Wanda 18. Reader 18

 Reader 18

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Y/N's dad remarried to Iryna Maximoff a couple of years ago. They gained two step siblings. Pietro was a lively energetic teen whereas Wanda was quiet and reserved. The complete opposite of her brother.

Y/N helped their father convert the basement into their bedroom so that Wanda could have their room and Pietro took Y/D/N's office. He wasn't happy because of the size of it.

Y/N was lay on their bed, their music plating through their headphones. Wanda quietly trudged down the stairs to Y/N. She needed some advice. If she went to her mother she would get a whole speech whereas Pietro would laugh at her. So the only option she has is Y/N. So she made her way to their room and watched as they lay on their bed listening to their music. She admired their features.

"Hey." Y/N spoke as they saw Wanda hovering in the doorway.

"I need some advice." She spoke shyly as Y/N sat up and patted the bed beside them.

"What's up?" They asked her. They can't deny that she is stunning and if the circumstances were different. They would definiteltly pursue her.

"I uh." She played with her fingers nervously. "Vis and I have been seeing each other for a couple of months now." She started as she looked down nervously. "And he uh. He wants to go to the next level."

"Is that something that you want?" They asked her as she looked up at them.

"No." She whispered. She had tears in her eyes. "I don't want that right now. I'm not ready." She whispered. Y/N pulled her into them and hugged her to calm her down.

"Well don't ever let him pressure you into anything you don't want Wanda." They told her softly as they rubbed her back soothingly. "And if he does ever try anything. Tell me and I will sort him out." Wanda smiled as her head was nuzzled in their neck. She felt comfort whenever she was with them.

The next day Wanda came home and went straight to her room. Y/N could see that she was upset but they didn't know what. They wanted to comfort her but they knew that she might need her space.

Later that night, Wanda couldn't rest. She had been crying all day since she came home. She didn't eat either but her feet led her to the comfort of Y/N's room. As soon as Y/N saw her, they opened their arms for her which she didn't hesitate to crawl into their side.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it." They told her softly. She nodded as she sniffled. This was her first relationship ever and it was hard. Her and Vis had been together for almost a year.

"He broke up with me." She whispered. Y/N clenched their jaw as Wanda continued. "Because I won't have sex with him he broke up with me." She sobbed as Y/N just held her. They want to punch Vis in the face until he is a bloody mess. All they could do was comfort her. She soon fell asleep in their arms.

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