I Just Wanted To See You Again (W.M)

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Wanda has lost everything. She lost her parents. She lost her brother. Her soulmate. She watched as the life left their eyes right before her. She watched as everyone started to look at here with nothing but pity and sadness.

"Wanda?" Natasha called out into Y/N and Wanda's shared room. "Wan?"

"What?" Wanda answered as she emerged from the closet with a packed bag.

"Where are you going?" Nat asked her.

"I can't stay here." She whispered. "I can't sleep in the bed we once shared. I can't stand being in here and wait for them to come home when I know they won't be coming back."

"We can get you another room." Nat reasoned as Wanda shook her head no.

"I can't be here Natasha. I don't want to be here." She told her. "It's a constant reminder that I will never get to be happy again. Everytime I find someone, everytime I think my life is complete, something happens and I lose everything."

"You still have us." Nat told her.

"I know. I just can't be here." She said finally as she left the room with her bag. Nat watched sadly as Wanda left the building.

Wanda got in her car and drove as fast as she could. She decided to visit the Sanctum to see if Strange could help her.

"Miss Maximoff, what can I do for you?" Stephen asked her as she followed him inside.

"I need help." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I need a way to bring Y/N back."

"I can't help you there Wanda." He told her.

"I heard about the Darkhold. It may have the answers I need." She informed him.

"No. The Darkhold is dangerous Wanda. It twists even the most stable of minds." He told her

"I just need them back." She told him. "Please."

"I'm sorry Wanda. I truly am sorry but I can't help you." He told her. She just huffed before she spoke again.

"Can you at least tell me where I can find it?" She asked him.

"I don't know. We have been searching for it for centuries and no one has succeeded." He told her.

"Thank you for your time." She said before she turned on her heels and left the sanctum. She got in her car and drove as fast as she could. She needed that book. If she was ever going to see Y/N again. She had to have that book.

Earth 791

Y/N was stood in the kitchen making breakfast for Wanda and the twins. The two had retired from the super hero life. Wanting to raise their family which was the most important thing to them.

Wanda walked down the stairs wiping the sleep from her eyes to see Y/N making her favourite breakfast

"Good morning my love." Y/N spoke without turning away from their task at hand.

"It still makes me nervous how you can sense people around you without even turning around." Wanda told them as she poured herself a coffee offering Y/N a sip.

"Well your steps aren't exactly the quietest." They smirked as she laughed and hit their shoulder. "I have to be ready for this abuse." They teased her further.

"Behave or there is no sex for you tonight." She husked in their ear. They quickly apologised before concentrating more on the breakfast. Wanda loved how she affected them. Even after years of marriage. "Do you have to go in today?" She asked them as they nodded

"Fury has asked me to help train some of the new recruits since he hasn't had a decent agent since Nat, Maria and I." They told her.

"What about Clint?" Wanda asked them.

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