I Don't Know What I'm Doing (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I am on my way to take Ellie to baseball practice. Her mum and I have been divorced for a couple of years now and we have been co-parenting our 12 year old daughter.

"So, how is your mum?" I asked her nervously as we drove.

"You don't have to ask about her if you don't want to." She said as she looked out of the window.

"Are you excited about the game?" I asked her.

"I guess." She said with a sigh.

"What's going on baby?" I asked her.

"I have this horrible sensation in my stomach." She told me.

"It could be nerves." I said as she just shrugged her shoulders.

We drove a while longer in silence. The only sound in the car was the music on the radio.

"I need to use the restroom dad." She said with an upset expression. I looked at her and then I just nodded. I stopped at the nearest store as she went inside to use the toilet. I waited only a few minutes before she headed back out to me.

"Are you ok sweetpea?" I asked her as she sniffled. "What happened?"

"Well you know that thing that happen to women." She started and then my eyes widened at what she was saying.

"Do you need things?" I asked her as she just scoffed.

"What do you think?" She asked with her arms crossed.

"Well I don't know. I never thought I would be here for this." I told her frantically. I decided to leave the car and walk inside the store. I grabbed a basket and started to fill it with what feminine products I could find. I had no idea how to use these or even teach her.

"Are you ok?" A blonde woman asked me before her eyes widened. "Oh my god. You're Y/N Y/L/N. Pitcher for the LA Dodgers."

"Yup." I said popping on the p. "If you don't mind, I uh I have my daughter in the car." I said as I motioned to the things I had

"Do you know what you need for her?" She asked me as I looked down embarrassed.

"I don' know what I am doing here. This was supposed to happen on her mother's watch, not mine." I told her as her face dropped slightly.

"Well how old is she?" She asked me as she took the basket from me.

"She is 12." I told her as she hummed. She started to put things back and then I just followed her like a lost puppy around the store. Once I had paid for everything she gave me a look I am not familiar with.

"Do you need help to explain this to her?" She asked me as I just nodded sheepishly. She followed me out to the car as Ellie just gasped.

"Oh My God. You're Elizabeth Olsen." She squealed excitedly making me raise a brow.

"Yes I am." She smirked at Ellie.

"She is going to show you how to use uh these." I told Ellie as I handed her the bag. She smiled and took it from me and followed Elizabeth in the store.

Elizabeth's pov

I walked with Ellie into the store restroom and made sure to lock the door to stop people from coming in. I got out the pads for her and a clean pair of underwear.

"So what do I do?" She asked me.

"Well you will need to change your underwear because the pad won't stick to wet fabric." I informed her before I took a pad from the pack and handed it to her. "You see there is kind of a guideline as to where the pad should go. You see where the two seams are." I shown her as she nodded. "When you open the pad you put the top that is shown with the shape of a heart above the front seam." I told her as she nodded before she disappeared through the stall door.

"Do you know who my dad is?" She asked as I heard the ripping of the outer packaging of the pad.

"Yeah. I am a big fan. I never miss a game." I told her as I waited for her.

"Me too. He always has me in the dug out to watch with his team." She said. "He's the reason the why I want to be a baseball player." I couldn't help but smile at her wanting to be just like her dad.

"Well I am sure that he is very proud of you." I told her softly as she sniffled.

"I know he is." She whispered as she came out with her rubbish. "I just wish my mum supported me just as much as he does." She said sadly as she washed her hands.

"What does your mum do?" I asked her.

"She used to be in a band before she got pregnant with me." She said as she dried her hands. "I think she has always hated dad for being able to accomplish his dream and she couldn't."

"Well, I think it is pretty amazing that he has managed to build his dream and raise a wonderful daughter like you." I told her with a smile.

"Will you be watching my game?" She asked as we walked out of the restroom.

"Of course. I will ask your dad first though." I told her with a smile. I watched as she skipped in her step as we made it back to see her dad leaning against the car and then opened the door for Ellie.

"I can't thank you enough for this." He said with a smile which I returned.

"You don't have to. She is a sweet kid." I told him with a smile.

"Dad, can she come with us to watch me play?" Ellie shouted through from the front seat.

"If she wants to." He said with a smile to his daughter.

"I'll be there." I said with a smile before I bid my farewell and walked to my car, knowing that I am going to see him again.


I am going to probably do this in multiple parts. Please let me know what you think guys

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