She's Got Her Ticket (E.O)

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Elizabeth was unaware of Y/N's feelings for her. She only ever thought of them being best friends because her feelings wouldn't be reciprocated. So she tried her best to move on with many different boyfriends but none of them made her feel the way Y/N did.

"I just know she doesn't want me Scar." Y/N spoke sadly as they nursed their drink.

"Just talk to her." She urged them as they shook their head no.

"I can't." They found Lizzie on the dancefloor with her new boyfriend. "Besides I leave tomorrow."

"Are you still set on going?" She asked them.

"I have to. I know she will never want me the way I want her." They finished their drink and paid the bartender.

"So you're going to leave without saying good bye to her?" She asked them. She knows that this will be hard on the two.

"It's just too hard to say goodbye to her." They told her as they gave her one last hug before walking out of the bar. Looking at Lizzie one last time. Scar watched as she saw Lizzie walk towards her with her boyfriend in tow.

"Where's Y/N?" She asked her friend.

"Gone home before their flight tomorrow?" Scar slipped up.

"Flight?" Lizzie was confused. Scar groaned knowing that she had just told her something that Y/N didn't want her to know.

"They're leaving." She told her friend. "And they aren't coming back."

"I have to go." Lizzie said as she raced out of the bar. She got in the first taxi she could and raced to Y/N's apartment. She ran up the stairs and knocked loudly on the door.

"Lizzie?" They said in surprise.

"When were you going to tell me you were leaving?" She asked them getting straight to the point.

"I wasn't." They spoke bluntly. Lizzie could feel the anger rise within her.

"Does our friendship mean nothing to you?" She asked them hurt laced in her tone. "Do I mean nothing to you?"

"You mean everything to me Lizzie. I can't breathe when I am around you. It's like you consume me and I just let it happen." They told her. "I am so in love with you it hurts me to see you everyday. So yeah. I wasn't going to say anything to you, because right now, this is killing me."

"You can't just say that Y/N." She told them.

"Well I did and it feels amazing to finally get it out there." They told her. "I know I will never be anything more than just a friend to you so please just do me a solid and leave."

"Y/N?" She whispered. She was hurt because she was losing her best friend. The one she loves and she couldn't bring herself to tell them how she truly felt. She just stood there as Y/N shut the door on her.

She asked Scar if she could stay with her tonight. She cried in her friends arms. She hated herself for not being able to say anything to them. Not about how she truly feels.

"Their flight is at 7:40am. They leave for Seattle." She told her friend. "They're going home."

Lizzie knew then what she had to do. The next morning she left at 5am to get to LAX and paid for a ticket to Seattle. She knows that Y/N will already be there. They always got there 3 hours earlier. When she made her way, she saw them sat waiting for boarding.

"Y/N?" She called out. Their head shot up in her direction as they stood up.

"What are you doing here?" They asked her.

"I love you. I am so in love with you Y/N." She confessed as they watched her with doubt in their eyes. "I can't live with myself if I didn't tell you. I wanted to tell you last night but I froze. God I love you so fucking much." Y/N just watched her intently and scanned her eyes searching for any doubt but they found none. "I want to wake up with you every morning in your arms. I want to spend christmases and new years being that cringey couple that everyone hates with you. I want to shout it from the rooftops that I am in love with Y/N Y/L/N because I am. I am stupidly in love with you that I bought a ticket to follow you home and be with you wherever because I don't care if we live here in LA or in Seattle as long as I am living with you I am home. You are my home and I hate that I have denied these feelings Y/N. I hate that I made you do this."

As soon as she finished rambling Y/N kissed her passionately. Neither caring about the audience as they shared their first kiss. Both feeling like they were on cloud nine. Wrapped up in each others arms. Bodies close together that they could feel each other's heartbeats.

"You're my home too." They whispered as they rested their forehead on hers. They kissed her once more feeling like they're the only people on the world. 


A new one shot dudes. Please let me know what you think

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