Why? (W.M)

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Y/N and Wanda seemed to have the most beautiful relationship. That was until Y/N walked into their shared apartment and found Wanda with her ex Vision. Both naked in the bed they shared together. Y/N's heart broke at the sight before them.

"Wanda?" They whispered causing the pair to jolt apart.

"This isn't what it looks like." She said with tears in her eyes. Her heart stopped as she realised her mistake and how she messed up the best thing she ever had.

"Why?" They asked her before they walked out of the room. Wanda followed them straight away as Vision decided to get dressed. "Was I not good enough for you?" They asked her as she tried to stop her tears from falling.

"You are everything to me." She whispered as she stepped towards them. Y/N stepped away from her shaking their head.

"Then why? Why him?" They yelled as she flinched. She had never seen them this hurt or angry. "I remember being the one to pick up the pieces that he left on the ground. I was the one who comforted you while he went around and fucked other girls like you were nothing." They took a deep breath as Vision walked out of the bedroom.

"I will be going then." He said as he looked Wanda's naked form up and down with a smirk. "It was almost better than the last time." He told her making Y/N angry. They went to hit him but Wanda held them back.

"Just get out of my apartment." They said as they watched Vision leave. "And you get out." They said as they picked their keys up and left themselves.

They went to the one place they were always safe. Their sisters Nat and Yelena's place.

"Hey Y/N." Yelena greeted as she let them inside. "What happened?"

"I need a drink." They muttered as they went straight to the vodka.

"Y/N." Nat spoke softly as they both watched their sibling down three glasses of vodka one after the other.

"Why?" They asked with hurt in their voice. "Why did she have to sleep with him?" Both sisters just stood there. Unaware of how to react. Yelena wanted to kill her and Vision for breaking their heart while Nat was confused.

Wanda was her best friend, she set them up after learning of their feelings for the other. She wanted to find out the reason why. Why did Wanda have sex with her ex while she was in a relationship with their sibling.

Nat decided to leave and head to Y/N's apartment, she told Yelena that she was getting some of Y/N's clothes so they could stay here with them.

She let herself in Y/N's apartment to see Wanda sat on the sofa with her head in her hands. She could hear the sobs coming from her. Nat was both wanting to comfort and confront her friend at the same time.

"Nat?" Wanda spoke confused as to why she was here.

"I came for some clothes for Y/N." She told her as she walked towards the bedroom. She grabbed Y/N's old duffel and grabbed some clothes and toiletries for them.

"Where are they?" Wanda asked her friend.

"They are with us, so you have time to get your things out." She told her as Wanda sobbed. She wanted to hug her and tell her it was all going to be ok but she couldn't. Before she picked the bag up, she turned to Wanda. "Why? Why him of all people?" She asked her.

"I don't know." Wanda whispered between sobs.

"You do know Wanda." Nat yelled at her. "After all of the shit he put you through. All of the grief and abuse he put on you. Everytime he left mid argument, you called Y/N. They were always here whenever you needed them. They dropped everything for you because they love you. Even when you were with Vision."

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