Oh, Professor (W.M)

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Y/N Y/L/N was the professor that no one wanted to get on the wrong side of. They were mean. They gave their students a hard time. Wanting them to be the best they could. No one dared to disobey them.

Although they had a soft spot for Wanda Maximoff. From the first moment she walked through the door as a freshman. She was the only girl that didn't try to throw herself at them.

Well I suppose that may be because her father was also the dean. Y/N's boss. As tge years went on, they took a special interest in Wanda. They offered her a position as their assistent. Telling her it is amazing for extra credit. Which being the good girl she is, she took the opportunity without a thought.

She knew that whenever Y/N was reprimanding the class for failing, she knew she was never a part of that. She knew she was Y/N's best student. The only one who bothered to listen to their words. Although she wasn't the party type of girl like her brother. Pietro loved to party. Get drunk. He was failing Y/N's class.

"Mr Maximoff. A word." They spoke sternly as the class gathered their things to leave. Wanda smiled shyly at them as she made her way to their office to help with their paperwork.

"What is it professor?" He asked impatiently.

"You are failing miserably." They told him bluntly.

"Maybe you can fudge my grades. You know since my dad is your boss." He smirked thinking he had power over them.

"Why don't you open a book and listen in my lectures." They told him. "I do not care if your father is the dean. I will fail whoever doesn't do well in my class. You may leave now."

Y/N sighed before they went to their office. Wanda was already inside sat in her chair with two coffees.

"So Pietro tried the Dean card?" She asked as they chuckled with a nod.

"I'm sure he thinks that will scare me." They said as she smiled. She had been their assistant over a year and she has loved spending every minute she can with them.  "It may work on Professor Rogers but not me."

"You are a hard one." She said as they just smirked at her choice of words.

"I'm a hard one?" They teased as she realised how that must of sounded.

"Oh god. I'm sorry. I never meant it like that." She rambled on.

"You're cute when your nervous." They whispered as she looked at them. An obvious tension now in the room.

"What?" Wanda spoke confused. As much as she loved to be around them. The endless butterflies in her stomach as she was sat in their presence.

"I said you're cute when you're nervous." They repeated as they stood from their seat and walked to their office door. Locking it before closing the blinds. They now stood behind a nervous Wanda, who's heart was beating out of her chest. Y/N then rested their hands on her shoulders. "You don't have to be nervous." They whispered in her ear as the massaged her shoulders.

"I'm not." She spoke weakly. They leaned closer to her ear. Their lips ghosting her skin.

"I would have believed you if you were just as confident you usually are in my lectures." They husked out. Wanda could feel her arousal pooling in her underwear at their words. "So what has got you so nervous?" They asked as they moved to kneel in front of her. Their hands resting on her thighs.

"I have to go. My next class." Wanda spoke barely above a whisper as she got to her feet.

"Your next class isn't for 45 minutes." They said as they stood before her. Towering over her. "I know your schedule." Wanda was stepping back without realising the minimal space she had until her back was pressed against the tall bookcase in Y/N's office. "So what has you so nervous right now Wanda?"

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