New Addition (W.M)

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For my babe aloneodi

Wanda Maximoff already had twin boys from her previous marriage and when that failed, she thought she would never find love again. That was until she was introduced to an old friend of Natasha's.

Wanda was invited to Nat's while the twins were at Vision's for the weekend. She was dressed in a black cocktail dress because knowing Nat. They will end up going to a bar.

Once she was at Nat's, she didn't have to wait long for someone to answer the door. She was shocked to see that it wasn't Nat who answered. She had to make sure she was at the right house. 

"You must be Wanda." They smiled at her as she just nodded. "Nat's just finishing getting ready." They stepped aside to let her in. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N. A friend of Nat's." 

Wanda gave them a shy smile. As much as she was nervous with them being new. She soon smiled when she saw the rest if the gang their. Yelena and Kate. Maria and Sharon. She was now less nervous than before. 

"So have you met Y/N?" Yelena asked her. "They were best friends with Nat when we were kids." Wanda nodded with shy smile as Y/N flashed her a gentle smile. Little did they know that they would soon become friends.

Wanda was currently 38 weeks pregnant. She was walking around the house. Trying to keep herself mobile. Keep her mind off of the Braxton Hicks. Nat and Maria took the twins camping for a week before they go on a cruise with Vision and his new wife.

Wanda couldn't help but think back at the time she realised that she had feelings for Y/N.

Y/N and Wanda had been spending some time together. Getting to know each other. Wanda learned that Y/N is a Lawyer. They are partner in a big firm in New York. They also lived in New York but travelled to Westview any chance they could to spend time with Wanda.

"So Billy got first in the spelling bee." Wanda told them over coffee. Y/N smiled at her endearingly. "I'm sorry. I talk about my boys way too much."

"That's ok Wanda."  They smiled at her. "You're proud of them and I find it refreshing how you don't hide that you have kids." Wanda only smiled as tears threatened to fall. She soon realised that she had deeper feelings for the person before her

"Hey my love." Y/N walked in with Wanda's favourite sandwich from the cafe she loves. "I brought your favourite."

"Thank you baby." She smiled as she kissed them before she started to eat. Y/N started to clean up whatever mess Wanda couldn't reach.

"How are you feeling?" They asked her as they lifted her feet to their lap and started to massage them.

"I'm ok other than the Braxton Hicks." She told them in between bites.

"Only 2 more weeks and we get to meet our Little Talia Chase." They spoke softly with a bright smile. The same smile they wore after they kissed her for the first time.

Y/N drove as fast as they could to Westview. After spending all of the time they have with Wanda, they had started to fall for the single mother of two. When they pulled up, they jumped out of the car as fast as they could and knocked on the door. 

"The twins are in bed." Wanda told them without really seeing who it was. She gasped when she felt a pair of lips on hers. She quickly recognised their eyes when they pulled apart. "Y/N?" 

"I am so sorry Wanda." They said as they realised they were supposed to tell her how they felt and not just kiss her. Wanda watched as they started to leave towards their car before she could say anything. Wanda took this as her chance and ran out after them. Pulling their wrist making them turn and face her. She kissed them passionately. Sharing her feelings towards them within the kiss. The two finally at peace knowing their feelings are mutual.

"It's time baby." Wanda told them as they looked to see the puddle beneath her. Y/N looked like a deer in headlights before their mind finally caught up. Wanda watched as they ran around gathering everything they needed before helping her change and into the car. Wanda sent a quick text to Nat to let her know.

As soon as they were settled in a room. The contractions not long followed. Y/N stayed by her side, holding her hand through each painful contraction. Motivated her as best as they could when she was ready to push.

After many hours of labour, the two lookedat their baby girl. Both fell in love with their Little Talia Chase Y/L/N-Maximoff. Watching as she slept in Wanda's tired arms. The new addition to their growing family.


I hope you guys enjoyed this one

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