It All Started With 7 Minutes

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Y/N pov

My friend Danny was dragging me to a party that one of the jocks are hosting. It's the start of senior year and I know I just want to make music but he is dragging me out.

When we arrived outside the driveway, we could hear the music blaring throught the house. I sighed because I would rather be anywhere but here.

"Do we really have to be here?" I asked him as he pushed me up the drive.

"Yes. We are going to get you a girl this year." He smirked as we walked through the front door.

"But I am concentrating on my music man." I told him.

"Well if you meet someone, she can be your muse." He teased before he pulled me towards the drinks. He poured us both beer in our solo cup.

We both stood there and watched as everyone mingled. Someone decided to take Danny away leaving me alone. Being an introvert at a party isn't the best feeling.

"Hey, I take it parties aren't your scene either." I beautiful girl said as she got herself a drink.

"No. My friend who is now no where to be seen dragged me here." I told her as she smiled. "I was practically kidnapped to come out of my comfort zone."

"Maybe coming out of your comfort zone can be a good thing." She smirked as she stood beside me.

"Yeah but it is terrifying." I admitted. "It's like my whole body is in a permanent state of fight or flight."

"I completely understand that. My friend Clay convinced me to come with him." She told me as I smiled.

"So we are both unwilling participants." I smirked as she nodded and laughed.

"I guess so." She said before someone approached us.

"Come on Lizzie, we're going to start playing 7 minutes in heaven." He said as he took her drink and finished it.

"You coming with?" She asked me as I shook my head. "Come on. I want to play with my new friend." She pouted as I just smiled and let her drag me along with her. She was pulled to sit by her friend as I took a seat next to some guy from my science class.

We watched as multiple people spun the bottle and disappeared into the small closet. When it got to my turn it landed on Lizzie who just gave me a tender smile. We both stood up and made our way inside the closet.

"We don't have to you know." I told her as we stood in this tiny space. She smiled at me.

"You never told me your name Y/N." She smirked as I just chuckled nervously.

"Well it seems you didn't need me to." I told her as she chuckled stepping forward.

"But you should always introduce yourself. It's common courtesy." She whispered as the space between us became smaller.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as she shook her head. Her hand reaching to intertwine our fingers.

"That's ok." She smiled before continuing. "I've seen you play in the music room. I really like your music."

"T..thank you." I stuttered out. Her hands found my shoulders.

"I want to kiss you." She whispered so instead of answering her, I leaned down and captured her lips in my own. My arms wrapped around her waist as I pulled her closer to me.

We both pulled apart when there was a bang on the door. She slowly moved away and out of the closet as I followed her. I couldn't believe that that had happened.

Coming to this party was the best decision I had made.


The next week at school, everything went back to normal. What I never expected was Lizzie to have a boyfriend. But hey, it was just a game right. The kiss was all a part of the game. Something that I haven't been able to get off of my mind. The feeling of her lips on mine and her body pressed against mine.

I walked down the hall to the music room to have my little bit of peace. I picked up the guitar and started to play with the chords before the lyrics started to come to me.

Lizzie's pov

That kiss with Y/N hasn't left my mind at all. Even when Dean kisses me, I feel disgusted. It's not that Dean is a horrible guy, it's just that I don't think I like him like that anymore.

I watched as Y/N walked away to the music room before Dean kissed me before he went off with his friends. Clay stood beside me waiting for the dish.

"What?" I asked him as we started to walk to our next lesson.

"You and Y/N?" He smirked as we walked past the music room and heard the guitar.

"I don't know Clay." I told him as we sat in our seats.

"I think you like them." He stated as we took our books out.

"I am with Dean." I stated as he just chuckled.

"It's ok to not be into him anymore Liz." He told me as I just scoffed. As Mr Thomas was going over the lesson, I had zoned out thinking that maybe Clay is right. I am not into Dean anymore and I can't string him along and I need to get my feelings straight before starting something new.

"I'm going to end it." I told Clay as we walked home. He smiled at me as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into him.

"Finally." He smiled as he skipped along. "And you're going to admit to liking Y/N?" He asked me as I just shook my head no.

"As much as I can't get that kiss out of my head, I need to sort my feelings out first." I told him. "I don't want to dive into something that won't last."

"How do you know it won't last?" He asked me as I sighed.

"It's our senior year Clay. I am determined to go to NYU for college. What if they don't go to NYU. What if they want to go somewhere local." I told him as he nodded his head.

"Well get to know them. Build a foundation and then maybe see if there's something there." He told me. He was right. I should just see where a friendship with Y/N will go.


The first chapter of a mini story. Please let me know what you think.

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