Witness Protection (W.M)

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Wanda Maximoff was hunted by many organisations who wanted to experiment on her and use her for her powers. The Avengers thought that it would be best that she go into witness protection with one of the best Bodyguards that Tony knows.

As Wanda walked through the confines of the compound with a duffel bag with spare cloths and her essentials. She couldn't take her phone but she made sure to take her boxsets. She didn't know this person and she at least wanted something to keep her occupied.

As she approached the common room and heard voices. She didn't recognise one of them but they were well spoken.

"Here she is." Tony spoke up as she walked in the room. Her eyes caught sight of the tall person stood beside Tony. "Wanda this is Y/N Y/L/N. The best bodyguard in America."

"Hi." Wanda spoke shyly with a s2mall wave. Y/N smiled thinking that she is too cute.

"Shall we Miss Maximoff?" They asked her as she just nodded. They grabbed her bag as she said her goodbyes to the others. She met them at the car as they opened the door for her.

"So. Where are we going?" She asked them.

"To a safe house." They told her as they drove. "So, sit back and relax. It's quite a long journey."

She did just that. She sat back and watched the scenery as they travelled until she was lulled to sleep by the motions of the car.

She awoke to a pair of hands lifting her up. She instinctively wrapped her arms around their neck as they carried her inside. They lay her on the bed before they went for their bags.

When they were inside they made sure that the doors and windows were all locked. They placed Wanda's bag in the bedroom with her sleeping form before they headed towards the sofa. They lay down to rest their eyes briefly.

Wanda woke to the peaceful evening as the crickets sang in the night. She walked through the door to find Y/N had shot up because they heard her footsteps. They relaxed when they saw her.

"Why are you out here?" She asked them as they moved towards the kitchen to make them both a hot drink.

"So I can be more alert." They told her as she just nodded. She thanked them when they passed her a cup of tea as they both sat on the sofa.

Wanda was intrigued by Y/N. They were different and to see them get on with Tony and the rest of the Avengers was something.

"If you have a question, just ask me." They stated without looking at her.

"How do you know Tony?" She asked them.

"I used to be his bodyguard." They stated making Wanda confused.

"I thought Happy was his bodyguard?" She asked them.

"He was just his driver back then." They told her. "I was in the military straight from high school. I survived the convoy explosion with him and watched as he created the Mk 1."

"Wow. He never said there was anyone else there." She whispered.

"He knows I like to keep a low profile." They smiled at her. "The less people who know me the better. It's safer for who I'm protecting." Wanda felt butterflies in her stomach as they spoke. She admired their features as they moved as they spoke.

"Wow." She whispered as she looked into their peircing blue eyes. They weren't like any blue she had seen before.

"What?" They asked her worried.

"It's nothing." She whispered as she blushed under their intense gaze.

"You should get some more sleep." They told her as they took their empty cups to the kitchen.

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