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Author's pov

A very beautiful girl was driving the car while an equally handsome male was sitting beside her in the passenger seat. The male was quite nervous as he was called for an interview in the same company were once his father used to work for the previous CEO

"Tae don't worry everything will be fine bub and i am 100% sure you will get this job" a very beautiful girl said to the mentioned boy who was continuously tapping his foot on the floor and rubbing his sweaty palm on his pant

"But sooya what if i don't" tae asked sooya who just rolled her eyes

"Ohh come on taehyung you can do it , i believe in you and also have you seen your degrees and certificates??..which company would like to loose such a golden oppurtunity to hire such a talented person like you" sooya said while cupping taehyung's face who just pouted and timidly nodded his head

"All the best taehyung-ssi" sooya said giving a thumbs up to taehyung who giggled and did a salute in tiny

"Thank you jisoo-ssi" taehyung said and made his way inside the huge building of Jeon Enterprises while the jisoo sighed heavily

"I just wish you get this job tae , you have been working very hard for this , please lord help my brother to get this job and also his lost memory with his hyungie" jisoo said while looking at taehyung's disappearing figure with teary eyes

Jungkook's pov


I said to my manager after rejecting the 18th candidate huff! Fucking idiots.. not a single person is here to work. I was looking through one of the files when i heard a knock on my cabin door

"Come in" i said still looking through one of the files

"Good Morning sir"

I looked up and my breathe hitched to see a complete beauty standing infront of me. Why does he looks like my cupcake?? Same bread cheeks , same almond doe eyes , same bow shaped pillowy lips. I was busy looking at him and that time i realised that i was staring at him when we looked down with pink cheeks Cute..

"*clear throat* Morning have a seat" i said as he looked up and bowed to me before sitting infront of me

"Thank you sir" he said in his deep voice ohh my how can someone's voice contrast so much with their facial features

"So what's your name?" I asked trying to be professional

"Kim Taehyung and here is my file sir" he said as i felt like i stopped breathing for a moment , so h-he is r-really my cupcake..

I took the file and went through his profile and indeed he is my cupcake. I just can't believe this , my baby my cupcake is infront of me after 22 years but why can't he recognise me? Aish stupid jungkook my cupcake was a small baby how would he remember me. My goodness his marks are just incredible. I feel so proud of him. My baby is so talented

"Your record is amazing Mr. Kim" i said as i passed him his file back

"Thank you sir but umm can i ask you something??" He asked me while tilting his head with a tiny pout in his lips oml he is sho cuteeeeeeeeeee. Aishhhh my poor heart can't take so much cuteness

" yeah sure go ahead" i said as he looked at me with big innocent eyes and i only know how much i am controlling myself from squeezing him

"Did we meet before , you look very familiar yet unfamiliar??" He asked tapping his finger on his chin , just the same not changed at all

"Maybe , maybe not" i replied as he just pouted , gosh soo cute.. i just chuckled at him as he looked down shyly my goddddd why is he soooo cuteeeee~

"So Taehyung-ssi congratulations you are hierd" i said standing up and forwarding my hand for a handshake , he looked very shocked as he pointed at himself looking so so innocent. I nodded my head as he broke into his cute boxy smile melting my heart into puddles

"Thank you sir" he said giggling as he suddenly hugged me , i was shocked at first but hugged him back as i patted his head , he rubbed his cheeks on my shoulder *chuckle* just the same not changed at all

"Ohh m sorry sir i-

"It's alright and again congratulations" i said patting his head as he giggled cutely , since he was a lil baby he loves head pats

"Thank u sir and when do i have to join?" He asked me cutely still his boxy smile adorning his lips

"From tomorrow be at office by 8 am" i said softly as i caressed his hair and felt so elated when he leaned on the touch

"Ok sir" he said nodding his head

"By the way my name is Jeon Jungkook and no need to call me sir , jungkook is fine" i said as i unwilling again sat on my chair , i wanna cuddle him so badddd~

"Ok then , what should i call you?" He said and made a thinking face tapping his index finger in his chin , he smiled widely and i could literally see his mind bulb glowing

"Koo hyungie" he said and my heart skipped a beat , that name


"Yes you know i always dream about two boys where the elder boy coax the younger one with sweet words as the younger one wasn't letting the elder one go and the younger one was calling the elder one koo hyungie though their faces are not at all clear but your name reminds me of thart nick name and its suits you koo hyungie" he said jumping in tiny as i was just looking at him confused , looks like i need to talk with jisoo noona

"Whatever you like" i said as he picked his bag and went towards the door but turned around

"Bye bye koo hyungie meet you tomorrow" he said waving in tiny and skipped his way out of my cabin leaving me smiling like a fool

I called my manager and told him to send back all the other candidates as i already choose my Secretary. When i have my talented cupcake then why would i choose some other piece of shits


Hello my lovely chickens, here you go another chapter of Epiphany. Seriously you guys are getting to much nowadays. Looks like i am spoiling you all with updates..

Ahh well nvm , i hope you like this chapter..
Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors..

I love you chickens 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰

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