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Author's pov

Everyone were looking at jungkook with wide eyes. Ok calling them mom , dad , aunty , grandma , grandpa was ok they would have handled it but now what to do with this pregnancy shit

Taehyung's full face was as red as an apple while his mouth was opening and closing like a fish , Jisoo couldn't decide whether to laugh or to be shocked , yoongi was looking back and forth between jungkook and taehyung with wide mouth

Jimin , jin , hoseok , namjoon and the doctor were well literally biting their palms to stop themselves from laughing out loud. Jungkook looked at everyone who had different expression and he couldn't control anymore and laughed out loud

"Why are you laughing now?" Yoongi asked being hella confused

"Ohh god look at your faces i was

Just joking i didn't lost my any memory" jungkook said controlling his laugh but stopped laughing completely when he saw everyone were looking at him with a poker face

"W-what happened?" Jungkook asked looking at the others with big doe eyes and his eyes became more big when he received a slap on his right cheek

Everyone were shocked to see taehyung slapping jungkook who was holding the area where he got slapped. Jungkook looked up at taehyung who had an unreadable expression. Taehyung suddenly pulled jungkook while holding his collar from both hands

"Does this looks funny to you? You almost died is funny? I was deing here every minute thinking what if something happened to you is funny? I almost had a heart attack thinking you forgot our moments is funny to you?!!" Taehyung asked jungkook looking staight into his eyes


"Just shut up ok? Just fucking shut up!!! *leaving the collar harshly* you yo.. aish!!" With that being uttered taehyung left the room while others were still processing of what just happend

"What the heck just happened?" Jimin asked scratching his head

"*sigh* kook you shouldn't have done that" jisoo said sighing deeply

"B-but i was just joking trying to just make you forget about the accident for a moment but what happened to him?" Jungkook asked to jisoo who again sighed before looking at the doctor

"Please check him up and leave its a bit private conversation" jisoo said to the doctor who nodded and quickly checked jungkook before leaving the room along with the nurse

"See kook i understand what were you trying to do ok? But what's the reason why tae brusted out like that *sigh* its not my place to tell you but i can say that you gotta need to ask him this on your own" jisoo said patting jungkook's shoulder

"Brat never ever do that again" jin said as the others nodded

"Ok guys i have some not so good news , the accident was planned" hoseok said looking at others


"Jungkook's this accident was all planned , it wasn't any normal car accident and it was all planned by the lee's" hoseok said as the other fisted their palms in anger while jungkook just rolled his eyes

"That coward is now stooping this low to beat me *scoff* tsk tsk such an asshole" jungkook said leaning on the bed

"You are wrong jungkook it's not because of the position in the business it's because of your mafia king's seat" jisoo said making jungkook frown deeply

"I fucking earned that position with my hark work" jungkook said with a frown making hoseok sigh

"He wants the mafia king's position since your dad's time" hoseok said shaking his head

"Look we need to be careful , if that bastard comes to know that you survived the accident he will again attack" jimin says sharing a look with jin

"I ain't scared of that bastard" jungkook said rolling his eyes

"Its not about you being scared of him but of how to teach that piece of shit a lesson without any of us getting hurt" yoongi said sitting in the couch

"Yoongi boongie is right we need to make a proper plan" jin said taking a seat beside the bed

"I do have a plan but we need to make taehyung understand things first" namjoon said sitting near jungkook legs

"I am not letting you all drag my cupcake in this mafia shit he is too innocent for this fucked up world" jungkook said making a huge cross with his arm and then hissing later in pain

"You idiot stop moving" jin said glarring at jungkook who gave a sheepish smile to him

"*scoff* innocent my foot" jisoo mumbled under her breathe

"You said something?" Jungkook asked looking at jisoo who just scoffed

"You will come to know when the time comes" jisoo said making jungkook groan in annoyance

"But first of all we need to call V" namjoon said as the other boys nod their while jisoo binked her eyes

"Ok ca-

"Koo hyungie!!" Jungkook got cut off with the loud voice of his cupcake's shouting who barged inside the room with teary eyes

"Cupcake" jungkook softly called as taehyung ran and embraced jungkook in a hug not too tightly

"Cupcake what happened huh? Wont you tell your hyungie about it hmm?" Jungkook asked softly rubbing his palm on taehyung's back who was crying on his shoulder

"Taetae hurt hyungie , taetae slapped hyungie , taetae is bad please forgive taetae hyungie " taehyung said looking up at jungkook with doe eyes filled with tears , his nose and cheeks red from crying and his cheeks a little swollen from crying

"Aww my baby it's ok hyungie forgives his cupcake but why did baby slap hyungie?" Jungkook asked cupping taehyung's face who cutely hiccuped

"Taetae was mad at hyungie because he thought hyungie forgot about taetae" taehyung said sniffing little making jungkook coo at his cute baby

"Aww baby but hyungie didn't forget his cupcake , how can hyungie forget his cupcake huh? But cupcake forgot hyungie *pout*" jungkook said pouting at the while other were enjoying the show

"Who said i forgot you?" Taehyung said looking a jungkook

"Huh-h?" Jungkook blabbered from shock

"I remembered everything and was about to tell you but *getting angry* you started this act" taehyung said glarring at jungkook who was confused and happy at the same time... confused because of taehyung's mood swings and happy as his cupcake regained his memory

"What's with his mood swings?" Hoseok asked jisoo while wisphering

"Period 🙂" jisoo wishpered back as hoseok nodded his head

"Btw taehyung we want to tell you something" namjoon said rubbing his hands , he was nervous for some reason

"Yes hyung tell me what is it?" Taehyung asked looking at namjoon who gulped

"We have to pretend as if jungkook didn't made it out from that accident"


Annyeong ┬◡┬

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