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Author's pov

"Hello uncle, aunty" taehyung greeted Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon , bowing

"Aigoo our little taetae has grown up so much" Mrs. Jeon cooed at him and pinched his cheeks

"Yeah , last time we saw him was when he was like 2?" Mr. Jeon said caressing taehyung's head who slightly nodded his head

"Hello uncle , aunty" taeri too greeted the jeon couple bowing

"Aigoo taeri-ah!" Mrs. Jeon squelled before hugging her tightly

"Here is the other one , gosh you both have grown up so much" Mr. Jeon said fanning his eyes which was getting teary

"Ikr!!! my devil, both of you have grown up so beautiful" Mrs. Jeon said hugging both the kim twins

"You seeing this sorcery sissy" jungkook whispered to his sister who nodded her head vigorously as they hugged each other side to side. Well you see from the moment Mr. and Mrs. Jeon came they have been cooing over their boyfriend and girlfriend while ignoring them like thin air

"This betrayal" jeong said sniffing and jungkook nodded at it, sniffing as well

"Ohh my jungkookie , *gasp* is this our little jeong?!" Mrs. Kim entered and straight away went to the two abandoned jeon siblings ignoring her two kids getting pampered by her friends

"Hi aunty" the jeon siblings cutely greeted her while waving their hands still hugging each other

"Aigoo , my cuties" Mrs. Kim cooed at the two before smooching their cheeks

"Oi oi why are you meanies ignoring my sweet sooyah huh?" Mr. Kim said and straight away went to hug his neice

So the thing is , the jeon couple and the kim couple are visiting the kim twins & cousin and the jeon siblings after 2 years together.

"My devil, you all were so tiny tiny and now look at you all , grown up into such beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen" Mrs. Kim said wipping her tears

"Ikr! My devil these little cheeseballs have grown so tall , even taller than me. I still remember how tiny they both were" Mrs. Jeon said cooing at the kim twins who had pink cheeks from all the pinching and squeezing

"Mooommm!" Jungkook and jeong went to rescue their partners whose cheeks were being abused by their dear mother

"Hey!!" Mrs. Kim said being offended when she was about to smooch both the siblings cheeks but they ran away

"Mom you are literally abusing her/his cheeks" jungkook and jeong said in unison before taking their partners out of their mother's grip

"Just say that your possessive ass can't handle it" Mr. Jeon said rolling his eyes

"When is the wedding though?" Mr. Kim asked eyeing jeong and taeri.

"When I propose her in a royal way to be my wife" Taeri said, caressing Jeong's cheeks, who shyly looked down while jisoo and Jungkook made a gagging sound. Taehyung playfully slapped jungkook's chest who made an ouch sound dramatically

"I can understand my brother but why did you make a gagging sound?" Jeong asked jisoo but before she could answer taeri answered her question

"Her single ass is feeling more lonely baby" taeri said with a smirk and soon a flying slipper came towards her but taeri was quick to duck down but but but the slipper went and hit our- no wait taehyung's koo hyungie's head

"Ouch!! You hoe!!" Jungkook shrieked while rubbing the spot where he got hurt

"Well nvm , still a good shot" jisoo said before flipping her hair. Mr. Kim , Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Jeon , Mr. Jeon , Taeri and jeong laughed out at it while jungkook just glarred at jisoo who remained unfazed

"Don't laugh at my kookie guys" taehyung said softly and kissed jungkook's head where he got hurt

"OooOooOooOoo" the other teased the two who were just in their own world

"Ok ok are we just gonna stand here or go inside too?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"Ohh sorry please come inside" taehyung and taeri welcomed them and all of them went to the living room

"Do you guys wanna have something? Coffee? Tea?" Taehyung asked once all of them got settled in the couches

"A chamomile tea for me bear" Mrs. Kim said before leaning on the couch

"A hibiscus tea for me" Mrs. Jeon said before making herself more comfortable on the couch

"Coffee for me" Mr. Jeon said and opened his coat

"Coffee for me too" Mr. Kim said and opened his coat too

"Ok give me few minutes" taehyung said and was about to leave but jeong stopped her

"Wait oppa , come i will help you too" jeong and both of them went to bring the preferred drinks for the others

"So what have you guys decided? Till when are you continuing this act?" Mr. Jeon asked once both jeong and taehyung disappeared into the kitchen

"That Lee's son is trying to dig information about taehyung" jisoo said looking at the others

"Why can't we just finish them?" Taeri asked being done with this drama

"No tae, we can't take any repulsive actions. We need to catch them red-handed , these Lees are quite manipulative. They will easily protray us the bad guys" Mrs. Kim said shaking her head in denial

"Aunty is right tata" jungkook said patting taeri's head who just huffed in anger

"We need a plan B so that even if they get any clue of our plan we would still have a backup plan to get them arrested" Mr. Kim said and the others nodded their head in agreement


Long time no see🫣😁

Seriously this has been left out and i didn't even remember about it. Sorry about it.

Since yesterday i have been feeling very low. Idk why but i have this constant feeling to just leave writing. Its not because of the veiws and all. NOT AT ALL. But still , i dunno why...

Well moving ahead. Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors

Love you guys 🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐯🐰🐯🐰🐯🐰🐯🐰🐯🐰🐯🐰🐯🐰🐯

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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