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Author's pov

"Why are you looking so tensed sir?" A young lady asked the man sitting infront of her in his leather chair. A frown on his face as he kept twirling the pen in his hand

"Something is not right lina. Howcome suddenly jeon's younger brother popped out of nowhere , till date there was no sign of any younger brother of his" the man said with the same frown drawn on his face

"No one knew about the jeon family sir. They is very little information about them available in the internet. We didn't even knew that Mr. Jeon had a son until jeon jungkook took over his company" lina said her thoughts out. The man just hummed yet not convinced about it

"Whatever it is but if he really is jeon's younger brother than he will be a perfect target to get jeon's company and his position" the man said with a disgusting smirk and took a sip of his expensive imported whiskey

"Yes sir but we shouldn't take the jeons lightly. They are quiet sly" lina kept her point of view as she kept typing on her laptop

"Hmm" the man just hummed without even listening to lina's words and which was his biggest mistake....

"Kookie i swear imma kick your ass" taehyung said angrily as he tried to pry of a clingy bunny off his body

"But baby~" jungkook whinned again making taehyung sigh for the nth time today

"Kookie, baby, love, my sweetheart we can cuddle all you want once i am back. But now i need to go to your company for an important meeting. For fuck sake lemme go you bunny faced hooman" taehyung said getting frustrated. First of all today is sunday , second he has to go the company for the meeting and third jungkook's whinning

"Promise that you will?" jungkook asked with a huge pout. Taehyung sighed and turned around in jungkook's hold and pecked his pout and nodded his head in agreement bringing a bunny smile in the later's handsome face

"Now can i go?" Taehyung asked softly and even peppered jungkook's full face with smooches

"Ok but come soon" jungkook said nodding his head. Taehyung smiled and nodded his head as well and left for the office after giving jungkook a long kiss. Once taehyung left their home , a thought suddenly dawned on him

"Did he just cursed?!!" Jungkook shrieked when he realised that earlier taehyung cursed as if it wasn't the first time he cursed

"My innocent cupcake is no more innocent" jungkook mumbled before he went to his office room while sighing dramatically

Its almost been twelve months since jungkook died for the outside world. Six months since jungkook and taehyung started dating and seven months since taehyung took over jungkook's company

Taehyung is doing great as the ceo and the company has already been nominated for many awards after he took over. Jungkook couldn't be more proud on his cupcake. Taehyung's intelligence and oscar level acting successfully made everyone believe that the previous ceo of the company is no more

Though there have been many rumors about him killing his own brother to take his position and all but those were quickly taken down by yoongi. As for their relationship they are doing quiet amazing. They almost behave like married couple

As promised taehyung came back from office after the meeting and even grabbed some chocolate donuts for jungkook. His boyfriend is a sucker for chocolates and banana milk and taehyung is all up to spoil his boyfie

And as expected he got to see a cute , happy bunny jumping around to get his favorite chocolate donuts. Taehyung swears he can even kill to see that bunny smile on his boyfriend's face

Till now jungkook had pampered him like a baby but now when jungkook is on a temporary leave he wants to pamper him like a baby and which he is doing. Spoiling his godly handsome yet cute boyfie tooth rotten

After freshening up taehyung cuddled with jungkook on their bed with jungkook watching his favorite movie while munching on the donuts and sipping his banana milk. Taehyung just admired his handsome boyfriend who is currently looking really pretty with an oversized sweater, his slightly long hairs are clipped on the side with taehyung's strawberry shapped clip

Doe eyes borring on the screen without blinking as his mouth kept on moving with some chocolate smudge on his upper and side lips. Taehyung chuckled and took some tissues to clean jungkook's mouth

He is too busy admiring his koo hyungie , the movie long forgotten tbh his koo hyungie is more interesting than the damn movie. Taehyung again kept his head on jungkook's hard chest and snuggled into him.Jungkook smiled and kissed taehyung's forehead before turning his attention back to the movie being played on the 32 inch tv in their room


I apologize whole heartedly for not uploading this book for almost a month but i hope you guys will understand me. I have been really busy and didn't had any idea on how to continue my books but all thanks to my soulmate/bestfriend Topggukietaetae for giving me ideas on how can i continue with the stories

Thank you so much babes and i love you so much 💕💞❤💋

And also sorry for the short chapter.

Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors...

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