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Author's pov

As soon as taehyung left the cabin jungkook took out his phone and dialed a number and waited for the other line to pick the call and as soon as the call was answered "meet me at the base tomorrow at 5 am" he said without letting the other to speak and cut the call
"Jichu noona!!~~" taehyung shouted as jumped his way inside the house

"Aigoo my baby looks soo happy what's the matter humm??" Jisoo asked as she covered the pot with it's lid and wiped her hands before going to his super excited baby cousin

"JICHU NOONA JICHU NOONA CHU NOONA~~" taehyung shouted and sing songed while twirling around by holding jisoo's hand who smiled seeing her bear so happy

"Ok ok now tell me what's the matter?" Jisoo asked as taehyung gave a big boxy smile

"Noona!!~ i got the job!" Taehyung cheered as he started jumping on his place making jisoo chuckle

"See i told you my bear is talented and will easily get this job" jisoo said snapping her fingers as taehyung giggled cutely

"Ok now go and freshnup and after lunch tell me what happened there ok?" Jisoo exclaimed as taehyung nodded his head making his curly locks bounce with it

"Okie noona~" taehyung sanged and skipped his way to his room humming a tone while jisoo just chuckled then sighed

" looks like your koo hyungie will be the only one to help you get back your memory" jisoo mumbled before going back to her work

"Taehyung was seven when he had a car accident , he was crossing the road to go to the park when a truck came will full speed and hit him , it was a hit and run case. Though we were quick to take him to the hospital but his head was badly injured including the fact that he his head hit a huge stone when he flew from the impact

He lost a lot of blood but irene unnie gave her blood that time as her blood matches with bear. He was in a very fragile condition and was in coma for three months. Doctors had already informed us that he might lose his memory and he actually did

He didn't remembered anyone of us he just knew aunty and no one. It was hard but slowly he started recognising us but his memory till he was six years old were completely washed out

We filed the case and the authorities find out that the driver was drunk , they caught the driver but that bastard ran away. He now gets those memories as dreams but i am sure you are the only one who can help him regain it kook" a beautiful lady with heart shaped lips said holding a man's hand who was having a blank look on his face but tears were running his eyes

" jisooyaah tae doesn't remember us too?" Jhope asked while wiping his snort in a tissue and throwing it outside the window

"No" jisoo said shaking her head as jhope again snorted in the tissue and threw it outside

"Jisoo noona" kook called her and jisoo stood up from her seat and hugged the dazed male while patting his head

"Yes?" Jisoo replied continuing her action as jhope came hugged her and jungkook

"What if i find that bitch and kill him?" Jungkook asked while looking at jisoo with blank eyes

"Tell me if you need my help" jisoo said as she patted jungkook's head

"Taehyugie doesn't even remembers us too?" A voice was heard from the entrance of the room making the three to look at the person to just see a red eyed and nosed suga , rm , jimin and jin. Jisoo sighed and shook her head

"May i come in koo hyungie~" taehyung asked peeking inside the cabin with a cute grin on his ethereal face

"You don't need ask bub come inside" jungkook said chuckling as he opened his specks

"Good Morning hyungie~" taehyung said with a cute boxy smile and hands behind his back

"Good Morning bubba how are you?" Jungkook asked before getting up from his seat and standing infront of the cute male

"I am fine" taehyung said grining and jungkook knew there is something up

"What are you hidding cupcake?" Jungkook asked folding his hands on his chest not minding at all of how he is calling the other with nicknames

"I- umm u-uh-

"What is it pup?" Jungkook asked caressing taehyung's cheeks who leaned in the touch

" i meased up" taehyung said with a big pout on lips

" what you did pup?" Jungkook asked calmly as he made the other sit on the couch before taking a seat beside him

"Hyungie I tried to make a coffe but-

"But?" Jungkook asked encouraging taehyung to continue

" but i didn't knew that i added salt instead of sugar and-


"Umm uhh i-i even might have added strawberry milk in it and-


"Uhh gave that to meow hyungie and-

"Ran away from his office before he catches you?" Jungkook asked as taehyung nodded his head with a huge ass pout making jungkook sigh

It has been a month since taehyung started working in Jeon Enterprises. He has got six new hyungs: jinnie hyungie , joonie hyungie , hobi hyugie , chimmy hyungie , meow/yonnie hyungie and not to forget his koo hyungie

Taehyung works less and plays more around the office. The other employees adore him equally as he is the office's mood maker. He is literally babied in the office by every one adding to the fact that he is the youngest over there.

But when he works his personality takes a 360° turn and jungkook lost count on how many times he got tight pants when he saw his cupcake looking super hot and sexy in glasses , sleeves rolled up , tie lossned and his hands veins showing and his serious face huff! Such a turn on

But being the naughty bear he is , he keeps on messing with his meow hyungie and would always run to his koo hyungie to get saved. Like right now as he was looking at jungkook with big doe puppy eyes and a huge pout

"Last time ok" jungkook warned him and sighing when the aforementioned nodded his head with a cute grin

He very well knows that his cupcake will again do this , like come on its kim taehyung we are talking about. 'He is one little devil inside a cute innocent looking man's body' said by one and only Min yoongi not me gezz!


Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors..

Love you chickens ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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