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Author's pov

"I missed you two so much" taehyung said hugging jeong and taeri who hugged him back with beautiful smiles

"Your future boyfriend is still shocked with your acting" jisoo said coming into the living room from the kitchen

"Your acting was an A+ twinnie" taeri said winking at taehyung who giggled cutely

"I- that meeting room one was just chef kiss , what an acting oppa-

"Jeon Jeong!!!!" Jungkook shouted from upstairs while jeong stuck her tongue out with naughtiness written all over her face

"What did you do you brat?" Taehyung asked twisting jeong's ear who whinned but giggled loudly

"I might have mistakenly added hair colour in oppa's shampoo bottle" jeong said giggling while the kim twins facepalmed

"Which colour though?" Jimin asked while munching on an apple

"Maybe red" jeong said making a thinking face and giggled again when Taehyung smcked her head lightly

"What is this??!!" Jungkook asked as he descended down the stairs in sweatshirt and sweatpant with his now red and black hair

"What is this you brat?!!" Jungkook asked pointing at his hair , while someone was lost in someone's handsome visuals

"Wow you look handsome oppa" Taeri said with mouth opening and closing like a fish

"Thanks but when did you enter in my bathroom you little brat" jungkook asked his younger sister who giggled and peaked from taehyung's back who was still in daze

"Jungkook-ah stop speaking neither the way my cousin is looking at you and your lips , he might kiss you infront of us" jisoo teased which was enough to bring taehyung out of his dazed state and he dashed inside his room in embarrassment

Jungkook blinked his eyes thrice before looking at jisoo and then at his cupacake's room door which was now closed. Jisoo just shrugged her shoulder

"Might wanna help him with *fake throat clearing* something" namjoon said pointing at taehyung's room and that's it jungkook whole face turned red which earned a gasp from his little sister

"Are you blushing oppa? wow i am proud of my self, good job jeong" jeong said patting her back as she giggled and hid behind taeri who just shook her head at her girlfriend's childish behavior with a smile

"Wha-whatever next time don't do it" jungkook shuttered before going towards his room

"Wow i just joked are really going to-

"Lets quickly leave , i don't wanna hear their moans" hoseok said cutting off namjoon and chuckled seeing a tomato jungkook glarring at him

"Sh-shut up!!" Jungkook brusted before running off to his own room

"So are we leaving?" Jin asked and later brusting out into fits of laughter along with the others

"Wear this twinnie i assure you , you gonna look amazing that this time jungkook would faint after seeing you looking so beautiful " taeri said giving taehyung a dress while taehyung was a little hesitant as he never cross-dressed

"But i never cross-dressed riri" taehyung said looking at the dress with red cheeks

"So what? Try it now and i m sure you gonna rock it , you got that body babe" taeri said winking at taehyung with a smirk , taehyung looked away from his twin with beetroot red cheeks

"*laugh* now go and try it beautiful" taeri gave the dress to taehyung and pushed him inside the bathroom to change who gave her puppy eyes , but miss teri isn't buying any of those puppy eyes of her twin

Taehyung sighed and went inside the bathroom to change into the beautiful white dress which his dear sister gave. He wore the dress and was stunned as it fits him properly and also looks so beautiful on him

He came out of the bathroom while tugging his hair behind his ears a bit. Taeri turned around when she heard the door open and her mouth hung in air when she looked at her twin. Taehyung was looking like a walking sin

Taeri literally squelled like a bunny loudly as she ran over taehyung and made him sit on the dresser before started to do his makeup and put extensions in his hair

"Wait why are you putting makeup and hair extensions on me?" Taehyung asked but taeri just hushed him before continue to do her work.

Sunday afternoon and taeri miss decided to turn her twin brother into her twin sister. Though taehyung was excited to see the outcome but he was also nervous about how he would look

After doing the makeup , styling the hair and putting earrings on taehyung, taeri moved back to have a final look at taehyung. Taeri didn't had to do much with makeup since her brother is too beautiful that he doesn't need makeup

"Jungkook is gonna have a heart attack" taeri mumbled as she checked out taehyung who shyly tugged the hair behind his ear

Taeri grabbed taehyung's hand before dragging him in the living room where everyone where gathered and fooling around. The sound of hurried footsteps down the stairs grabbed everyone attention as they turned around to gasp out loudly

"You have a triplet?" Hoseok and jimin asked as they saw taeri dragging a girl looking same as her

"Aniya i just have a twin brother who is just beside me" taeri said pointing at taehyung who was looking down due to too much shyness

"You ok there bro?" Namjoon asked jungkook who was too stunned to say anything as he was busy looking at taehyung with mouth gaping like a fish

"I don't think he is" jin said looking at jungkook who was frozen in his spot

"Please marry me taehyungie" jimin and hoseok said kneeling down infront of taehyung with the flowers they took from the flower vase

Taehyung giggled looking down at his two hyungs who had silly grins plastered on their face. Jungkook snapped out of his dazed state and cleared his throat

"You 're looking gorgeous cupcake" jungkook complimented taehyung who went all red and looked down with red cheeks

"I changed my mind , i my dating both of you" jeong said as she went and quickly hugged both the twins who giggled and hugged her back

" JM , Jhope , Suga , Rm , Jin , V and J to the headquaters now" jungkook said with clenched jaw as he was looking through his phone. The mentioned rolled their and smirked at taehyung who blinked his eyes being all confused

"Ok i will be leaving then twinnie" taeri said as she pulled her girlfriend away from taehyung

"Wait atleast help with these extensions-

"I will help you , let them go right now cupcake" jungkook said getting up from the couch before dragging taehyung to his room while the others smirked and left the mansion with different thoughts
"Ouch ouch hyungie slowly" taehyung hissed when jungkook took out the last extensions from his hair. Jungkook just mumbled a sorry before wetting the cotton pad with makeup remover and started removing the eyeliner , lipstick etc.

Taehyung just sat their without saying anything as he let jungkook do whatever he want with his face. After removing his makeup jungkook went to his closet to bring a bathrobe and some comfy clothes

He gave the bathrobe to taehyung and said him to change his clothes. Taehyung went inside the bathroom and change the dress into the bathrobe before coming out of the bathroom. Jungkook took the dress and kept it on the dresser before taking taehyung back inside the bathroom

He made taehyung sit on the counter before he wet taehyung's face with water and took out some facewash. So in short Jungkook gave a full face treatment to taehyung who just quietly sat there like a good boy

-please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors..


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