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Author's pov

Taehyung was sitting on the chair outside the operation threatre where the doctors were still treating jungkook. All the other hyungs were also there along with jisoo. They all are waiting for the doctor to come outside and tell about jungkook's health

The door opened and one of the assistant doctor came out , the seven of them rushed towards him. The doctor removed his mask and sighed

"The patient has lost a lot of blood but the problem is that the blood group which he has *sigh* we don't have that right now" the doctor said making all of them tensed

"What is his blood group?" Taehyung asked clearing his throat and wiping his tears

"AB+" the doctor said sighing

"I also have the same blood group and rh factor" taehyung said making the doctor snap his head towards

"Follow me" the doctor said and lead taehyung inside the OT for the blood tranfusion while the others waited outside

"How did this accident even happened??" Jin asked looking up at the other who were themself confused

"Dunno" namjoon said rubbing his face in frustration

"I and hobi are going to check whether this accident was a planned one or not" jisoo said getting up along with jhope

"Hmm ohk just stay safe" jin said said taking a deep breathe in an attempt to calm himself

Jisoo and jhope went to dig out about the matter while jimin , suga , jin and rm were waiting outside the OT. Taehyung soon joined them after giving blood to jungkook. They only had one thing to do right now that is wait for the doctor

After what felt like ages the doctor came out with the assistant doctors who helped him in the surgery. The five of them rushed towards doctor with hopeful eyes but their hope crumbled down after hearing the next words of the doctor

"The operation is successful. The patient was heavily injured and if he was brought here a bit late then we would have lost him , there were many external as well as internal injuries , his face was badly damaged as well but we were able to treat all of them but-

"But what doctor?" Taehyung asked gulping the lump in his throat

"*sigh* his head was injured badly and we are afraid he might loose all his memory or go in temporary coma" doctor finished as taehyung fell on his knees as tears poured out his almond eyes like river

The doctors bowed and left from there leaving the five of them. Jimin hugged taehyung who was frozen in his spot and crying silently. Jin , namjoon , yoongi and jimin were no less

"How ironic huh? First koo hyungie tried all those tricks to make me regain my forgotten memories and now when i regained my memories, here he has lost his own memories" taehyung said chuckling sadly before getting up while the four looked at him

"He might loose his memories but we dont know if he actually did or not" jimin said hugging taehyung

"Tae where are you going?" Yoongi asked when he saw taehyung leaving from there after breaking the hug

"I need some space hyung i will be back don't worry" taehyung said before leaving from hospital to god knows where

Time skip~ (24 hrs later)

Taehyung's pov

Its been a day since when koo hyungie is unconscious and the doctor said if he doesn't wakes up within next few hours then he will go in coma. I am here sitting beside his bed where he is sleeping so calmly and peacefully without any care of the world

Please wake up quickly koo hyungie i can't wait to tell you that i regained my memory. I was still sitting beside him when he suddenly started moving make me jolt up from my place. I quickly pressed the button to call the doctors and soon enough the doctor and nurses came inside along with our hyungs

Koo hyungie slowly opened his eyes and blinked few times to adjust his eyes in the bright light of the room and then frowned when he saw all of us looking at him , my heart was pounding loudly as if it might come out of my ribcage anytime

"How are you feeling Mr. Jeon?" The doctor asked as the nurse raised his bed

"Like shit" he replied monotonously as he doctor smile awkwardly

"Why am i here?" Koo hyungie asked the doctor raising his eyebrows

"You don't remember?" The doctor asked kookie hyung and my heart droped to my intestine when koo hyungie shook his head

"You had an accident Mr. Jeon" the doctor said as koo hyung nodded his head

"Do you know who is he?" The doctor asked him pointing towards me as i bit my lips nervously looking at koo hyung

"Yes he is Jeon Taehyung my wife" he said as i looked at him with wide eyes


"Who is he?" The doctor again asked pointing towards jimin hyung


mom" He said as jimin hyung choked on his saliva


"Mom why are you coughing?? Are you ok??" He asked as jimin hyung just nodded his head

"I- i m fi-ine" jimin hyung said clearing his throat

"Who is he?" Doctor asked pointing towards jin hyung

"My grand mom" he said as its the most obvious thing in the world while jin hyung looked at him with open mouth hung wide open and wide eyes

"Who is he?" Doctor asked pointing towards joon hyung

"My dad" he said shrugging his shoulder as jisoo noona snorted later coughed to cover it up

"Jisoo aunty are you ok?" He asked now it was my turn to snort but coughed to cover it up

"I m fine" i said when he looked at me woriedly

"Who is he?" Doctor asked pointing towards yoongi hyung

"My grand dad" he said as i coughed to stop myself from laughing

"What happened love you are coughing a lot , are you ok?" He asked me holding my hand with worry showing all over his face as i just nodded my head and blushed when he kissed my hand

"And doctor whats with all those question" he asked the doctor who just cleared his throat before shaking his head

"Nothing Mr. Jeon just doing an enquiry if you remember them as you had injured your head badly in the accident" the doctor said writing something in his pad as the nurses were still laughing silently

"Ohh i see but love are you ok? Is our bunbun giving you a hard time?" He asked me placing his his hand on my tummy while looking at me with doe eyes
and i am sure my face is as red as a beetroot



Hello my lovely chickens,I hope you like this shitty chapter..

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