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Author's pov

"Are you a fucking child jeon?" A girl shouted while barging inside the headquater of Autumn Crocus wearing black from head to toe

"You brat show me some respect" jungkook snickered as he sipped his white wine

"*scoff* respect , idiot when you saw that the car was having a problem since the morning why the fuck did you take that car with you" the girl spouted as she pulled her mask down

"V first calm down ok?" Jungkook said as he stood up from his swivel chair

"How the fuck can we calm down my asshole of a brother when your idiot of an ass can't take care of itself" yet another girl shouted barging inside the headquater , slamming the door in process

"Ohh shut up J , i was sleep deprived and i wanted to get done with the meeting shits as soon as possible so yeah" jungkook said pouring wine in two more glass

"Yeah if you don't think about my twin bro most of the time and use that time in sleeping you wouldn't have been sleep deprived" V said taking the wine glass from jungkook

"That is some different topic to discuss babe" J said taking the other wine glass before sitting on V's lap

"So my dear sister and soon-to-be sister-in-law what's with the sudden visit" jungkook asked the two girls sitting infront of him

"First tell me how did you guys explained my twin bro about the plan" V asked holding her girlfriend's waist from the other hand

"That was a tough job though , making cupcake understand the mafia shit with spreading the news of me dying was something" jungkook said sighing deeply

Few hours ago~ [spongebob voice]

"What do you mean by pretend that he didn't made it out from the accident?" Taehyung asked namjoon with shock. Not just him but everyone present in the room were shocked

"Umm kook we need to tell him" namjoon said looking at jungkook who shock his head


"Tae we are mafias. Yup we are the members of Autumn Crocus with jungkook as our leader. His father that is your jaewan uncle was the mafia leader before him and your aunt taelyn was a snipper under him. Even your parents were a part of the mafia

Your twin sister is also under us. So apparently their is this Lee family who is after the mafia position and also the top position in business from uncle jarwan's time so he planned this accident to kill kook to take his position

In order to take those stupid Lees' down we have to pretend that kook died in that accident" yoongi said in one breathe while the others were looking at him with open mouth

"What?" Yoongi asked when he saw the others were just looking at him without blinking

"So you mean to say that you all are mafias even my cherry and parents and jungkook hyung's accident was planned" taehyung repeated as yoongi nodded his head

"How?" Taehyung asked tilting his head

"Ye- wh- what do you mean how?" Namjoon asked looking a taehyung with shock

"No , i mean i understand all of the mafia things but i didn't understand the accident one" taehyung said nodding his head as he sat beside jungkook

"Lee Woojin planned an accident to kill kook" jisoo said clasping her hand on hoseok's mouth who was about to speak

Everyone started panicking when they saw taehyung crying suddenly

"Hey hey my cupcake what happened honeybunch?" Jungkook asked cupping taehyung's face who stopped crying and pointed towards jungkook before turning towards namjoon

"You said they planned his accident but he didn't died shouldn't he have died in a car accident" taehyung said as he sniffed, namjoon , jin , jisoo , hoseok , jimin face palmed while yoongi just blinked his eyes dumbfounded

"I- tae bear we have to pretend that he died ok? Kook is fine but its like a game where we have to lie that kook died in an accident but in real life he didnt ok?" Jimin said

"Ok.... so he died but he didn't died? How is that possible?" Taehyung asked tilting his head

"Who da f- duck gave him his degree?" Yoongi asked looking at jisoo who shrugged her shoulder

"My cupcake" jungkook called taehyung who looked at him with puppy eyes

"Yes koo hyungie" taehyung said looking straight into jungkook's eyes

"My honeybunch will you do what hyungie says?" Jungkook asked smiling at taehyung who nodded his head immediately

"So my cupcake if any employee or any invester or any person other than us asks about me then act as if i died in real but it will be our secret that i m alive" jungkook said and magically taehyung understood everything nodding his head

"It is a part of the plan were we will be fighting with those bad lee family but babybear you gotta help us in this ok?" Jungkook said caressing taehyung's cheeks lovingly, taehyung nodded his head and then turned towards the others

"Who will handle the company in his presence?" Taehyung asked pointing towards jungkook

"You" everyone said pointing towards taehyung who kept on blinking his eyes


I AM SO SORRY MY CHICKENS 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️


I AM REALLY SORRY PoojaRajput0 . I am really sorry dear i wasn't updating this

Please ignore the mistakes and grammatical errors

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