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Author's pov

"So you all said him to take over the company after you?" V asked blinking her eyes while looking at jungkook who nodded his head

"No i mean wont the employees and everyone think that he killed you as he wanted your position and all... " V said after keeping the wine glass on the table

"How- *sigh* twins instinct isn't it?" Jungkook asked as V just winked at him

"Yeah cupcake also said the same but we somehow managed to convince him and i said that hyungs will tell everyone that he is my brother" jungkook said nodding his head , V blinked her eyes and then scoffed before throwing a pillow at jungkook's face

"You didn't just brother zoned my twin , coconut he loves you" V said shaking her head in disappointment as jungkook eyes were about to pop out

"He what?" Jungkook mumbled out and J just rolled her eyes

"Should i book your appointment with an ENT specialist bro , didn't you hear what my baby said ,she said taehyung oppa loves you romantically and you idiot just brother zoned him" J said making herself comfortable in her girlfriend's lap

Jungkook was about to say something but his phone rang . He picked his phone and it was a call from jisoo

"Who?" The two girls asked as jungkook just showed them the ID before picking the call and keeping it on speaker before his sister and soon to be sister-in-law can order him

"Fuck you coconut head" jisoo cursed loudly as soon as the call was picked

"Noona!" Jungkook whined while J and V rolled their eyes

"Shut up , because of you my innocent cousin is drunk as fuck" jisoo shouted her lungs out shocking the three person on the other line

"He is drunk? Why?" Jungkook asked as he started searching for his car keys

"You dare to ask that question you coconut after brother zoning my cousin" jisoo spatted as they could hear taehyung's cries in the background

"Hey taetae why are you crying again baby?" Jisoo asked the drunk male who was wipping his snort in jisoo's dress who cringed badly but kept quite

"Oona koo sail taetae is hih blother *cry* buh taetae lob koo but koo no lob taetae oona how wi then koo an taetae geh married and how wi we have our little cubs and bunnies" taehyung said before crying loudly , V and J laughed silently after hearing taehyung's drunk talk

Jungkook was smiling like an idiot before he vanished from the room and within 20 mins he was inside taehyung's house were taehyung was sitting on the floor and crying with a beer bottle rolling around

"Hey my cupcake" jungkook rushed towards taehyung who looked at him with big bambie eyes

"No go away koo no lob taetae" taehyung said as he turned around , jisoo just sighed before leaving the living room very well knowing that jungkook will handle her cousin

"Who said koo doesn't loves taetae? Koo loves taetae very much " jungkook said as he tried to hug the drunk male who kept on pushing him away

"No koo no lob taetae koo think taetae as his blother" taehyung said as fresh set of tears rolled down his eyes

"Aww bub but taetae doesn't want koo as his brother?" Jungkook asked , smile never leaving his face. Taehyung shook his head with a pout which jungkook wanted to kiss so badly

"No taetae wan koo as his hubby then koo and taetae wi geh married and then koo and taetae will have little babies" Taehyung said daydreaming with a huge boxy smile and eyes sparkling with millions of stars but his smile dropped as he again started crying

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