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Author's pov

"Hyung are you sure?" taehyung asked as he was getting ready for office with jungkook's help. Taehyung had already shifted to jungkook's mansion after jungkook literally threw a tantrum while rolling on the floor like a cockroach

"Yes cupcake now pali you are getting late" jungkook rushed pushing taehyung towards the dinning table to have his breakfast


"No not now baby you gotta eat and leave for the office and remember what we have planned ok?" Jungkook said cutting off taehyung who huffed before sitting on the chair while jungkook started feeding him

"Bye hyungie" taehyung bid goodbye to jungkook with a hug and cheek kiss before running out of the house giggling like a baby

Jungkook shook his head with a silly smile before closing the door. Four months since the news of jungkook deing in the accident spread out and four months since taehyung didn't went to office , four month since they got to know that taehyung is a hacking master wait a hacking expert who can hack even the most secured highly equipped system of the korean government in just a snap of his fingers

Four months since jungkook came to know that his cupcake is not so innocent and four months since taehyung was trained by his koo hyungie in shooting , handling knives and also the office works. Four months since their relationship is growing and now they have level up to kiss on cheeks , lips is still not involved yet

Today is the first day of taehyung being the CEO of jungkook's company and poor boy is quiet nervous but he is determined to show jungkook that jungkook can trust him with his company

As planned taehyung went to the office with a poker face. The usually bubbly baby is now all quiet. The employees were pitting on him as poor boy lost his elder brother who he loved very much 🤧🤧🤧

Taehyung straight went inside the cabin locking the door in process before sighing loudly. He went and sat on jungkook's chair which supposedly was now his. Taehyung took few deep breathe before starting today's work

While jungkook , V and J were giggling seeing taehyung's nervous state. They were keeping a watch on taehyung with the multiple cameras all over the office. Soon jisoo and the other hyungs also joined them

Working for three hours continuously taehyung took a small break when his eyes fell on the photo frame on the table. It was his and jungkook's photo. A smile made its way in his face when there was a knock on the cabin door

Taehyung pressed the button to open the door as he glidded his finger on the frame. His manager enter inside the cabin when he saw taehyung tracing the frame with a smile. The manager gave a sad smile to their new boss before clearing his throat

"Sorry to disturb you sir but the meeting hall is ready" the manager informed , taehyung wiped the tear which rolled down his eyes

"*clear throat* yeah i m coming" taehyung replied clearing his throat as he kept the photo frame on the desk and turned towards the manager. The manager gave him a sad smile before leaving the cabin after bowing at him

Taehyung sighed before collecting his things and left for the metting room. Seeing his stotic face the employees just sighed sadly but only our taetae knows how much hard it is for him to carry on with the act

"Hey why is he crying?" Jungkook asked getting up from his chair when he saw taehyung wiping his tear

"*Scoff* he is acting" V said as she combed her girlfriend's hair lovingly

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