Chapter One ✨

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"Ellie!" Colby called out at the bottom of the stairs. Little did he know that his sister was busy at the moment doing something that no brother wants to be seeing their sister doing. "He'll go away, just ignore him." Elise whispered, kissing the man that was her current boyfriend on the lips. Then carrying on what they were doing, moans escaping Elise's lips, until her brother had decided to barge in. "Fucking hell Elise!" She heard Colby exclaim, clearly realising the reason why she hadn't responded to him when he called out to her. "Cole what the fuck! Can't you take a hint?" Elise questioned, quickly covering herself.

"Shit I'm sorry sis, it's just that its important." Cole explained, as he stood with his back to his little sister. Elise knew that her brother would be quite embarrassed right now after seeing what he did. "Alright fine, I'll be out in a minute." She sighed, Colby then leaving them so that Elise could get dressed. She planted a kiss on Tatton's lips before she got up to make herself decent. Elise didn't know what was instore for her, but she was going to find out the moment she walked downstairs.

After Elise had made herself decent, she walked down with Tatton right next to her, as Tatton was to leave knowing he couldn't know much about what they were doing business wise. "Holy shit! Elise fucking Steele!" Elise heard a familiar voice call out as stepped off of the final step, making her freeze to her spot for a slight moment while Tatton continued to make his way out of the house.

Elise turned around to face the direction she heard the voice come from. That's when instant embarrassment hit her the moment she had realised who it was. Her cheeks becoming flushed from the sudden feeling. "Arthur Shelby," Elise responded, with a small smile across her face as she tried to hide the embarrassment that came after she noticed he wasn't the only Shelby brother that was in her house. "Cole when you said we were going to talk to the boss, I didn't expect it was going to be your sister," John stated, turning his attention from Elise to Colby.

"Is that going to be a problem for you John?" Elise smirked, as she revelled in the fact that they were shocked in seeing her, clearly under the belief it was going to be Archer Steele they were going to be talking to instead. "No, of course not. Just we didn't expect to see you," John explained, causing Elise to smile at his response as she knew it had been some time that she had seen any of the Shelby family aside from when Ada and Polly were at her failed wedding. "You're looking good by the way. Sexier then I remembered," Arthur commented, with a smirk on his face, nudging Tommy, who seemed to not be able to keep his eyes from travelling up and down as he looked his ex. Taking in how much she had changed over the years, since he last laid his eyes on her.

"Why thank you Arthur," She giggled, walking over to sit down. A small sense of silence fell over as each Shelby brother took in the change in Elise's appearance. Her dirty blonde hair she used to keep up was now down and curled, sitting just below her collarbone. Tommy taking note of how the deep blue dress she wore accentuated her slim, yet curvy body. "What is it that you boys are here for?" Elise asked, finally breaking the moment of silence.

"Need your help with some upcoming business." Tommy stated, finally making complete eye contact with Elise.

"Oh he speaks!" Elise remarked, with a smirk on her face again. Attempting to get under Tommy's skin, knowing that it would work. Which it had.

"If it's my help that you want, then I'm all in but I'm telling you now Shelby I'm not the same that I was when you dumped me. Now if that's all you have to say to me then you can go as I need to leave due to some unfinished business that is waiting for me to stick my tongue down his throat." Elise scoffed, immediately getting up from her seat and walking out the front door to meet with Tatton, fully hoping that she had left the Shelby brothers gobsmacked, and all while completely trusting her brother was going to lock up the house once they left.

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