Chapter Six ✨

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Today is the day. The day Billy Kimber is to fall. Elise had been sitting in the Garrison as all of the peaky blinders started to stream through the pubs doors. Coming for drinks of sorts in preparation for the events ahead. Although Elise knew they could all handle themselves there was still a part of her that began to worry. A part that began to worry about the Shelby she had once dated all those years ago. The moment Tommy walked through those doors the harder Grace had stared at Elise. "I see you've still got an admirer miss Steele," Tommy commented, noticing Grace's harsh stares that were directed at Elise.

"Indeed I do," Elise remarked, raising her drink in Grace's direction as if to let her know what Elise knew already. Elise didn't understand why Tommy was still talking to her, as a couple of nights after her panic attack with him, after she had let it slip about one of the things her father had done to her. They almost had another night of pleasure again, starting with the passionate kiss to the clothes almost coming off until a moment of realisation hit Elise, Grace was still very much on his mind and Elise knew she could probably never be able to give Tommy the certain things that she knew Grace could.

That was when Elise had decided to call things off as much as she tried to fight against doing it. Elise knew they weren't really in a relationship, but she also they had done the same as what Tommy and Elise had done in that moment the previous night. The only difference is Grace had no trauma that could be triggered by it all. In the end Elise told herself that it was the right thing to do, telling herself that a man like Thomas Shelby wouldn't wait around for the kind of pleasure she couldn't yet give him.

Elise decided that she had enough of all the eye daggers that were being thrown her way, so she excused herself away from Tommy and as she then made a swift exit to head off to visit Polly.


As Elise walked through the doors only expecting to see Polly as she knew that Ada was trying her hardest to separate herself from the Shelby family after Freddie had been arrested due to her anger towards her brother. So when Elise saw Ada sitting there, holding her son Karl in her arms, Elise had gotten the shock of her life. "Oh my god Ada! I didn't know that you were here!" Elise cheered, pure excitement present in her voice as she greeted her closest friend.

"Well here I am!" She cheered back, wide smile across her face. I walked over to her, taking Karl from her arms, getting to hold him for the very first time. "Ada! Get you and the baby into the Bull ring where there's lots of people." Tommy demanded as he came storming in. It was obvious to Elise that Tommy had found out some news that wasn't a part of his big plan.

"What's going on?" Polly questioned, as Tommy began pacing about.

"We've been fucking betrayed!"

"Someone let it slip! Kimber's men are on their way here!" He explained, Elise could hear the panic within his voice.

"But you can handle them Tommy," Polly tried saying in hopes of reassuring him.

"It's just us. All the Lees are already on their way to Worcester, we're outnumbered."

"Fuck!" Tommy yelled out of frustration, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Who else knew that today was the day you were moving on Kimber? You said you kept it a secret. Who else did you tell?" Polly continued to questioned.

He didn't say anything, but the answer was written all over on his face. "There's only one thing that could blind a man as smart as you Tommy. Love." Polly stated, as she formed the same answer Elise came to in her own head. Elise didn't wait around for any form of confirmation, as anger started boil up inside of me. Tommy's facial expression had been enough for her.


There was no one inside since everyone started to go into hiding as the news spread of the upcoming fight and the blinder men prepared themselves for it. Elise stood there and waited, waited for the traitor to appear. Trying to keep herself from charging up to Grace to take a swing at her.

Once Grace had made her appearance, looking like she was preparing to leave Elise made it her mission to make herself known to the Irish woman not willingly to let go the betrayal Grace had made. Taking slow steps towards her so she could her my heels click across the wooden floors. "You going for good?" Elise questioned, catching Grace's immediate attention seeing panic set across her face.

"I heard there was trouble." Grace replied, clearly trying use the fight as a cover up.

"The only trouble here, is you." Elise sneered.

"Look the fighting is about to begin so we should get out of here," Grace said, completely disregarding what Elise had said.

"I know who you are. From what I heard, Tommy knows now too." Elise stated, coldly while she pulled out the pin she kept in her hair, letting her blonde, long hair all fall down in place. Anger starting take over Elise as she thought about the betrayal. "I am an agent of the Crown. I have the power to arrest and the right to use force. So please step out of my way." Grace said, now pointing a gun at Elise as if it was to intimidate her, little did Grace know that was the least of Elise's worries.

"You think that's going to scare me? You may as well put a bullet in me cause I'm not afraid of you." I snickered, stepping closer to her.

"You fell for Tommy for real, didn't you? I know you did, I've been there. That's why you're always staring me down."

"Funny thing is, I was going to let you have him even though I don't see you as nothing more than dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Not now. Not after you've betrayed him."

"I still love him, and I always will but I will never let a woman who came in here, to stitch us up, use him and then fall in love with him. Pfft I should kill you myself."

"I suggest that you leave and if you're not gone before sunrise, I will kill you and it will be slow and painful, you will be buried were no will ever be able to find you. As you see love can make you do things and not even bat an eye to it." Elise snickered, walking away from her slightly to sit down, knowingly that she was getting under Grace's skin, as Grace still stood holding her gun pointing at Elise.

"Now go." Elise spat. As she watched closely as Grace scrambled to gather her things and leave, making her way out of the doors.


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