Chapter Seven ✨

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Two years later...

"C'mon Ellie are you ready?" Elise's newfound friend Bianca King called out to her as she waited for Elise to get ready as they had plans to go to the new club called The Eden. Elise was now living in London for a bit, staying in her sister-in laws' Lia old home, in hopes to expand the family business: Steele Enterprises. "Yeah I'll be right down!" She called back to her new friend. Elise took one last look at herself in the mirror before her. Taking in how the new flapper dress sat on her body, hugging every inch of it. the golden fabric standing out on her slightly tanned skin. It was shorter than she had been used to but that didn't seem bother Elise not one little bit. Her self-confidence being through the roof as it has for quite some time now.

Every now and then, when Elise would get dressed up and take a look at herself in the mirror and yet every time the same thought would come to her mind. What would Tommy think? Even though she had called things off with him, Elise couldn't keep him out of her mind. No matter how hard she had tried, She just couldn't stop thinking about him. Something that was very familiar to the young Steele this the very first time she had ever laid eyes on Thomas Shelby.


It wasn't long until Bianca and Elise were drinking, partying, just having a good goddamn time. "I think you have some admirers Elise," Bianca giggled, pointing out all the men that appeared to be staring at them. "Ha, I think they're admiring you Bianca," Elise laughed, downing her glass of whiskey, welcoming the burning sensation that the brown liquid gave as it travelled down the back of her throat.

The sounds of screams coming from everyone in the club, Bianca grabbed me by the arm as we began to run out of there. Only thing is she was the only one that was afraid. I looked back just for a moment, locking eyes with ones that I hadn't come in contact with for two years. Thomas fucking Shelby. "ELISE!" He called out to Elise, as the two women made their way out of the club.

"Do you know those men in there? I thought I heard one of them call out your name." Bianca questioned, as they made their way back to the house that Elise was currently living in.

"Yeah I do actually," Elise answered with a smile on my face. Now she really couldn't stop thinking about Thomas Shelby.


The same memory that haunted her in her sleep, woke her up once again. Her hand instantly going to her throat to soothe it as she always did every single night. I walked down to the living room, sitting down in front of the fireplace with a late night glass of whiskey. Elise's mind had been all over the damn place, as it wasn't the only memory that ran through her head as she slept.

Knocking on the front door brought Elise out of her thoughts. "who the fuck would be knocking on the door at this time of night?" Elise muttered under breath, as she made her way over to answer it. Opening it, the question was answered. "Tommy." Was all she could mutter, shocked at the sight of him standing at her front door.

"Tommy what are you doing here?" Elise asked, walking away from the door letting him know to come in.

"I thought I'd come say hello," He smirked, as he followed in behind her.

"I haven't seen or spoken to you in two years and now you want to say hello," Elise scoffed, sitting back down to where she previously sat.

"I also wasn't the one that moved,"

"Well I didn't really move Tommy, I'm only here for business. I didn't really plan to be here as long as I have."

Tommy stood there, assessing how Elise looked in that moment. Noting her tear stained cheeks and the lack of sleep that showed under her eyes. "It happened again didn't it?" Tommy questioned, softening the longer he looked at her. She didn't say anything but instead Elise nodded her head in response, knowing what Tommy was asking about.

"it always happens Tommy, has since the night it happened." She explained, keeping her voice low, knowing that her friend was just upstairs asleep.

"When did it happen Elise?" Tommy asked, the tone of his turning serious.

Elise hesitated for moment, unsure if she really wanted to keep talking about it but just this once she decided that she wasn't going to let the memory taunt her anymore. "Do you remember when we went for a walk around town, and you decided to surprise me with a picnic near the bridge?" She questioned, looking up at Tommy waiting for his answer.

"Of course I do. It was the day I kissed you." Tommy answered with a small comforting smile, walking over to her, after noticing that she had begun shaking again. Something she does when panic started settling in her. Grabbing hold of Elise's hands to give her some sort of comfort.

"Later that day. He had said he saw us. Calling me a whore. Then it all went downhill."

"He's always abused me Tommy, but that was the day his abuse became worse. It wasn't the only time, it was just the first." Tears rolled down her face, as she recounted the events. Tommy stayed there, keeping Elise's hands in his own, trying to figure what to make of this new information.

They were together when it all happened to her, and he didn't even know it. Tommy didn't know what to think or say or even how to feel with what Elise had told. Swallowing down the rage he had for himself that he couldn't protect her. It was his job to protect her, and he failed her. "Tommy, I promise you it wasn't your fault. I know what you must be thinking but I'm telling that it wasn't your fault." Elise said with shakey breath as the tears still rolled down, she knew how Tommy could be and it was like she could read his mind even though she couldn't, she just understood him. "Okay Tommy?" She questioned, and when she got nothing but silence she began to worry.

"Tommy say something please." Elise begged, as she tried to look him in the eyes as he had looked away from her.

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