Chapter Three ✨

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Elise felt like how she did, all those years ago when Thomas Shelby first left her. Hopeless, loveless, and miserable. "Clearly this is just how I'm meant to feel now. I didn't deserve to be in love if this is just how I was going to feel every damn time." She thought to herself, as she spent another day sitting in her room with her memories after the night that Thomas Shelby had seen her at one of lowest points. "Ellie?" Sawyer said, walking up to his little sister hesitantly as he walked into her room, knowing Elise was in a vulnerable state.

"I want to be alone Say," Elise muttered with such sadness in her voice.

"I know I know but you're needed, duty calls."

Elise didn't say anything but nodded her head in response to her older brother, before heaving herself out of bed, in need of mentally preparing herself for what was to come. Not fully knowing what she was really needed for when her brothers knew full well how to run things.

Taking a moment as she got ready for what was left of the current day. Elise took a long look as she applied her makeup, at her reflection in the mirror she sat before. Taking how she looked in that current moment, bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep she was having, it wasn't unusual for Elise not to have a full nights rest, but it was getting worse as the days continued on. Her head constantly pounding, from repetitive nights of drinking she was having. It was also in that moment that Elise swore to herself that she would never fall in love again. Promising herself that the new Elise Rosa Steele was going to be a definite force to be reckoned with.

As Elise walked into the kitchen, her brothers, their wives, and children were standing there waiting for her, as well as the Shelbys. "What is this an intervention or something?" Elise scoffed as she became annoyed.

"In a way it is yes," Colby's wife Lia stated, holding her own daughter in her arms.

"Well I suggest you all leave because that won't be necessary anymore," Elise expressed, showing completely no emotion which came as a shock to everyone that stood before her.

"What has gotten into you Elise? This isn't like you at all." Vera said, noticing the blank look on Elise's face.

"Oh but it is Vera, my brothers know all about it, maybe you should ask them." Elise stated, putting a cigarette in her mouth, and lighting it.

"Aunty El, daddy says you been sad." Elise's only niece Kendall said, as the young girl looked at her aunt with a frown. Elise had always close to Kendall ever since the moment her niece was born, favouring more due to being the only girls in their own families. Kendall being the youngest out of Colby and Lia's four children.

"I have been Kenny but not anymore, you don't have to worry about me." Elise responded, giving her niece a small, reassuring smile.

"Look Elise we're all here because you needed to know that you have people that care about you." Colby explained, before ushering all the kids out of the room, like he knew what he said was going to get a reaction which it did.

"Oh I don't know about that, considering I see people in here that I would say don't give a shit about me but themselves." Elise snickered, looking at each member of the Shelby family that stood in her kitchen, as they each lowered their heads knowing what they have done.

"Enough with this shit Elise, this is ridiculous! John and Arthur were just trying to have fun with Tatton it's not their fault that Tatton couldn't handle it!" Sawyer defended.

"Oh so it's okay that I got called a whore, because my ex couldn't handle some lighthearted fun!" Elise watched as everyone's expressions had changed the moment the words left her mouth, as she stood there taking a long drag from the lit cigarette she held in her hand. Her brothers knowing too well the history behind that word with Elise, knowing why it would effect more than anyone else.

"I I I uh didn't know he would say that to you," John finally spoke, hesitantly.

"Well he did! I don't know what it was that you told him and really I don't want to know anymore but whatever it was it made me sound like a whore." Elise scoffed.

"So if you want to keep on with this bullshit take it somewhere else, I don't want to hear it anymore." She stated, now pouring herself a glass of whiskey, then taking a sip from it.

"Well Tommy here wanted to say something," John said, patting his brother on the back.

"I just wanted to let you know that you will be accompanying me to the races, so find yourself a nice dress preferably red." Tommy smirked.

"No. So I suggest that you ask that new pretty barmaid that's working in the Garrison, Grace right. I know she's caught your eye."

"I was almost going to ask her but then you came to mind,"

"Ah so I'm always on your mind then Mr. Shelby," Elise sneered, noticing the smirks that came from his family as she said it.

"Like I said, ask Grace I'm sure she'll accompany you."

"Fine Elise I will,"


Elise walked into the Garrison once again for another day of drinking, after everyone had finally left her alone. As she walked up to the bar, Elise took note of the new barmaid who kept her eyes on her at all times. "Is there a problem Grace?" Elise questioned, as Grace continued to stare at her with judgemental eyes. Something that wouldn't slide with Elise.

"Er no, of course not." Grace replied, her Irish accent present as she spoke.

"Then I suggest you quit staring at me," Elise stated coldly, as she took a puff from the cigarette in her hand. Grace had taken the hint, as she carried on busying herself with what work she could do. At least Elise wanted to believe that Grace had taken the hint.

After a short while the Shelby brothers entered the pub, Elise taking notice Tommy and Grace talking out the corner of her eye as she took a sip of whiskey. She figured it was probably about the races as Elise had discovered he did in fact ask Grace to accompany him. Although Elise had told him to, she couldn't get past the pit of jealous that started to burn inside her, just seeing Tommy and Grace together while she sat there and drank herself away.

Thinking it was silly of her to feel this way, Elise carried on having drink after drink, as tried to push away the old feelings she had for Thomas Shelby, knowing they would never be a thing again.


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