Chapter Nine ✨

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Author's Note:

Hi everybody, sorry for the long wait but finally here is an update you have all been waiting for. I promise I am working on more chapters. I am trying my hardest just updates for this book is going to be much slower than the others but my goal is to try and finish it.

So once again i am very sorry for the long wait and here is chapter nine of Twisted Minds :)


It was the day of the grand re-opening for the Garrison. Elise had made the decision to go to it, due to Ada refusing to take no for an answer. After the long train ride back, drinks were definitely in order.

The Garrison was in full swing by the time the women had arrived. Nerves began to kick in for Elise the closer they became to the front doors. "Ada I'm not so sure about this," Elise said, hesitance clear in her voice.

"It'll be fine Ellie, now c'mon." Ada stated, linking arms with Elise with her free arm as she held Karl in the other.

The moment Elise walked through the pub doors, she was hit with instant memories. Although the Garrison now looked completely different, the memories still lived on. "Oh, I didn't know you two were coming!" Polly greeted with pure excitement, as she spotted the two women. Esme came and took Karl from Ada's arms, leaving Ada to be free to greet everyone on her own.

Elise was still feeling the nerves she started to feel before entering, and as a familiar face came insight, a familiar feeling of butterflies began to flutter in the pit of her stomach. "Hello Ada," Tommy greeted, not making it obvious that he had taken notice to his ex that had also been standing there with his sister. As he approached, Polly stopped talking to the women and walked away abruptly. It was clear to Elise that Tommy had clearly done something, or something he wouldn't do, and Polly was very clearly pissed with him over.

"Tommy." Ada replied with a smile, taking the drink from her brother's hand. "what do you think ey?" The Shelby brother questioned his sister as the pair began walk away together, leaving Elise alone. "its very um..." Ada began.

"Gold?" Tommy stated, cutting her off.

"Ha yeah." Ada giggled.

"Hello Ada," John greeted his sister, bringing her in for a hug. "Hell trouble how are you doing?" She laughed as she hugged John back. As Tommy kept a watchful on his ex that made her way across the pub greeting everybody that she saw. He couldn't help but feel old feelings. Feelings he had pushed aside since the day he broke them apart. But after discovering the truth of those days he couldn't stop himself.

"So what did you want me to say to her?" Ada questioned Tommy in reference to their aunt polly as that had been the true reason for Ada's appearance tonight. She just wanted Elise there as a part of her own little plan. "Just talk to her. Nobody can get through to her. Tell her I have no choice." The young brunette nodded her head in response to her brother, before making her way to Polly in attempt to explain it all. "I appreciate this." Tommy added, before Ada completely walked away.

Meanwhile Elise continued on with what she had been doing the moment she arrived. "Ellie fucking Steele!" Arthur exclaimed pulling the blonde in for a hug. "Hello to you too Arthur." Elise laughed, pulling away soon turning her attention to the other Shelby brother that sat at the bar. "Hello John,"

"Hello Ellie," John greeted back to the younger Steele sister, engulfing her in a hug just as he did with his sister only moments earlier. After he let go, he nodded to his older brother that stood across the room watching his ex greet his brothers. John walked over, telling him only briefly to go talk to her. As he clearly wanted to.

For once this was something Thomas Shelby hadn't had an idea on what to do. After his last encounter with the blonde he didn't know what he should even say to her. But he still waited in hopes she would find herself alone for a moment and that was when he was going to make his move.

Elise sat with Arthur chatting away about the good old times, but noticed Arthur soon tried to cut their conversation short. She looked back noticing Thomas Shelby watchful eyes that he had on her. "Alright I'll go talk to him, seeing as he won't man up and do it himself." Elise huffed, looking back at Arthur. He gave her a nervous grin and one last hug before the young blonde made her way over to Thomas Shelby.


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