Chapter Four ✨

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It had been months, Ada had a baby and also married her lover Freddie Thorne who had been arrested the night of the birth of their son Karl. John was married to Esme, as a way to join the Lees and Shelbys, that was all a part of Thomas Shelby's plan to take over Billy Kimber.

Elise had become suspicious of the barmaid working in the Garrison. Grace Burgess. As she had found it odd that the time of Grace's arrival was around the same time as Inspector Campbell. Elise had heard from Polly that Grace had been asking far too many questions about the Shelby business and how they run things. Information no one ever dared to ask unless they were trying find out something they weren't supposed to. A woman of her kind, taking a sudden liking to the leader of them all didn't sit right Elise. She hadn't been sure if it was jealousy as it was the man she thought she may still be in love with but what she knew was that there was something about the barmaid that just didn't sit well with her. Not one little bit.

Elise took one more look at herself in the mirror after she had applied her makeup. As she sat there in the baby blue dress she was currently wearing, and she couldn't help but not truly recognise the woman staring back at her. It was only a reflection, but that didn't change the empty feeling Elise had with every look she made in the mirror, staring long and hard at it.

"Elise you ready yet!" Ada called out from downstairs.

"I'll be down in just a second!" Elise called back, applying those final touches then making her way downstairs.

"Look at you! That dress is gorgeous," Ada whistled at her friend.

"Why thank you Ada," Elise smiled, a blush creeping across her face.

She took one last look at herself. Taking in the lace detailing on the bodice of her dress. Complimenting her thin waist, as the skirt slightly flowed out just after the corset shaped bodice. Once Elise had got her coat on the girls made their way to the Garrison.


Ada and Elise were laughing up a storm, happiest the pair had both been. That didn't stop the apparent barmaid from staring down at Elise with judgemental eyes. "I think someone might be a little jealous of you Ellie," Ada smirked, nodding in the direction of where Grace stood from behind the bar, not taking her eyes off of Elise.

"I don't know bloody why though," Elise laughed, downing another glass of whiskey.

"Cause my brother can't stop staring at ya," Ada giggled, as she watched her brothers make their way over to the snug, noticing Tommy admiring her friend that sat with her, not taking his eyes off of Elise until he entered the snug. "He's not interested in me Ada, it's all about the barmaid now." Elise smirked, downing another drink after just filling her glass.

"Believe me Elise, it's you he's interested in not some bloody barmaid," Ada whispered, so that they were the only ones to hear her.

"it's always been you Ellie,"

"Uh huh sure, I think it's cause you want it to be that way Ada."

"Maybe, maybe it really is how it is and you're both too blind to see it."

"We'll see about that Ada," Elise smirked.


Hours passed, and yet Grace still hasn't stopped staring at Elise. It may have been the whiskey talking but Elise had enough of the unnecessary judgment that was constantly been thrown her way by the Irish woman. "I've asked you this once before, is there a fucking problem?" Elise questioned with anger present in her voice, slamming her hand against the bar as she jumped up from her seat.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Grace replied all innocent as if she hadn't been staring at Elise with such jealousy for the hours, acting like it was Elise who began to overreact.

"That's bullshit!" Elise sneered.

"From the moment I walked through those doors you haven't stopped staring at me like there is a problem. So I'll ask again do we have a fucking problem?" Elise spat, staring Grace down with chilling eyes as anger flowed through the drunken woman. The pub had fallen silent, and the Shelby brothers had come out of the snug observing the situation. "I do have a problem, having to look at you is a problem." She whispered.

"You fucking bitch!" Elise yelled, slamming her hand once again on the bar this time smashing a glass that was on the bar, before reaching over swinging her fist, making it collide with Grace's face.

Elise went to take another swing at her again, until a pair of hands wrap around her waist then dragging Elise away, preventing her from doing so. "YOU'RE A FUCKING LYING BITCH BURGESS!" Elise yelled repeatedly as she was carried out.


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