Chapter Five ✨

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Elise had been carried all the way back to her house, only being placed back on her feet to unlock her front door. It was only then she found out who the hands belong to. "Fucking hell Shelby," she muttered, swiping Tommy's hands off of her waist, as she turned to face him.

"What the bloody hell is your problem El?" He questioned, looking straight into her emerald, green eyes with his icy blue ones.

"She pissed me off." Elise explained as she gritted her teeth remembering that looks Grace has been giving her since she had arrived in Small Heath.

"I couldn't take her staring at me with so much hatred. So I did something about it."

"You should have just spoke to me,"

"How could I Tommy? She's a liar she would have just denied it all."

Nothing else was said between the two, as Elise unlocked the door, proceeding to stumble inside, tripping over her own feet. Tommy catching her before she could fall down. He held onto Elise for just a moment longer than he should have, taking in every feature that made up her face. Not thinking for a moment longer, Tommy pulled Elise closer, closer than what they were already. Colliding his lips with hers. This was something that hadn't happened for a long time, but it was like no time had passed.

The more passionate the kiss became, the more heated the moment. Elise kicked off her heels as they managed their way up the stairs in hopes of getting to Elise's bedroom. Tommy threw off his coat, while Elise took off her own, as they were now almost reaching her bed, not once breaking apart.

Her hands trailing down his torso as Elise unbuttoned his shirt. Soon revealing his bare chest. His hands starting to unlace the back of her dress, then letting it drop to the floor as they progressed further. The moment Elise laid on that bed she was hit with memories that Elise wished didn't get triggered. Instant panic took over her, Elise's mind switching from the moment she had longed for with Tommy to the traumatic event she has never told him about.

Instantly noticing the change in her, Tommy knew something was wrong, it wasn't the first time he had witness her become a panicked mess, kicking, and screaming like she was about to get hurt. "El, it's alright." Tommy repeated over and over in a calm tone, as he held her close, hoping to prevent her from hurting herself. All he wanted was to help her settle, hoping she would be brought back to the reality that sat in front of her.

He really was the only person that calmed Elise, and he didn't even know why he needed to or could he even begin to understand. "I'm so sorry Tommy," Elise apologised, instinctively putting her hand up to her throat as if to soothe it although there was no pain there. "You don't need to apologise to me El," He said as wiped the tears that now rolled down Elise's face.

"I thought I was over it," she muttered, forgetting that Tommy would hear her.

"Over what?" He questioned, but Elise didn't answer him. She was more focused on stopping herself from shaking, looking down at the floor.

"Over what El?" Tommy asked once again, lifting her chin up with his finger as the tears still streamed down her face.

"Help me understand El, this isn't first time it's happened between us. Have I done something?"

"No Tommy, you haven't. it's just some things have happened to me Tommy I don't think you would understand." Elise explained, sadness written across her face.

"Just please tell me El. I can't try to understand if I don't know what it is,"

"My.. my father.. my father um.. He um.." She muttered, trying to find the words that Elise had never told anyone, not even her brothers.

"I was molested Tommy. Okay there I said it." Elise cried, a look of shock took over his face which then turned to rage, as he fully comprehended what Elise had just told him. "How could her father do that to his own daughter" Tommy thought as he got up from his place on the bed.

"Why have you never told me this?" Tommy asked as he now started to pace back and forth, trying to keep his anger in, not wanting Elise to think that he was mad at her as it was directed towards her father." I didn't ever tell you because I thought you wouldn't love me anymore!" Elise cried, holding her knees to her chest.

"I always thought I was the problem Elise! That's why I broke up with you! I believed that you didn't even want me!"

"It wasn't ever like that Tommy I promise! I have always loved you Tommy! I've always wanted you! Only you!" He stopped pacing, taking in what she had said, processing it. Then obviously making up his mind as he walked back over to the bed where Elise still sat, with her knees to her chest, slightly rocking back and forth as she calmed herself. "You mean that?" he questioned.

"I do Tommy. I really do," Elise said, with a small but sad smile on her face.


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