Chapter 2

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Another baby? No no no this can't be happening. I mean it would be amazing to have another addition to our little family but not when all we have to do is work. All day. We won't have time for a baby. Plus, if the Biebers find out then we are in some serious trouble.

"Another baby?" I whispered looking at them. Daddy nodded his head and continued rubbing mamas back. "Are you crazy?!" I shouted and stood to my feet. They looked at me surprised. Normally, I would never make a sudden outburst like that because I'm normally very quiet. "Excuse me?" Mama wiped her nose. "I said are you crazy? Do you know what could happen to you if the Masters find out? They will have our heads!" I yelled. How could they be so careless? They were barely able to keep me! Thank goodness Mistress Patricia's mother lived with them. The masters were planning on selling me but her mother Donna Mallette, (couldn't remember her name) wouldn't let them. I was only 3 months at the time. Mama and daddy were very greatful but the Master was furious.

Later that night, he took my father to a big empty field and whipped him really bad. Mama got up and grabbed my shoulders. " We are going to be alright. Everything will turn out fine." My father stood and kissed my forehead. " I hope so." I sighed and hugged them. "I just don't want you guys to get hurt." I felt them squeeze me harder. " we know baby. Maybe having another baby won't be so bad. Lets just pray that they let us keep the baby." My father said with his head on my mothers shoulders.

"What?!" We heard a strong male voice shout from outside. We all let go and turned out head towards the door. Oh no. Master Bieber..

He came closer. "What the fuck did you just say?" He shouted even louder. We all stayed silent which was a bad idea. He grabbed my fathers arm roughly and dragged him out of the house. We followed. When we caught up, Master threw him in front of the house. I saw the Mistress and the handsome mystery guy standing next to her on the porch watching us. Master Bieber looked up at the boy and said, "Son go upstairs and get my whip." Oh so he is the Masters son. Why haven't I seem him around then? "Umm father, do you really think that you should whip him if it really isn't a big problem?" "This is a big problem. He got this whore pregnant!" He shouted at him. "Now go get it!" His son winced and gave me an apologetic look before heading inside the house. Wait..why does he care so much???

He came back and handed him the brown leather whip. Master gae a evil smirk, threw his arm back and tossed it forward hiting my father. He screamed in pain with every hit. They got worse and worse until I finally had enough and ran to help my father. "Please stop! This is horrible. He doesn't deserve this." I yelled at the Master and heard a few gasps coming from the workers as well as the Mistress. Master didn't say a word after that. Suddenly, I felt a really hard and painful thing hit my cheek. I let out an ear piercing scream and fell to the ground. I looked up and saw the Masters son with a sad look on his face. I looked away and felt the whip slash my back multiple times. The pain was unbearable. Blood oozing down my back as onto my legs and the floor causing a big red puddle under me and my father. The worst part was seeing my mother cry and scream. The worst part in the world is to see her cry.

1 hour later...

The whipping was finally over. Thank glory. I was panting and wiping my tears away. I could barely move. I was in an extreme amount of pain but not as bad as my father. I slightly turned my head and saw the Masters son quickly walk into the house. Jeremy and Patricia followed not far behind and I heard him mutter, "Dumb black trash needs to learn to keep his penis in his pants!" He slammed the door behind them.

I turned my head the other direction and saw mama and one of the workers, Mabel, hurrying to us. Mama got me and Mabel got daddy. We slowly made our room. They layed us down on our bellys and managed to pull the remaining fabric off our backs. I heard another thing tearing and heard the sound if water dripping. Suddenly, I felt a stinging in my back. I held in a scream. I started squirming as well as my father.

"Sweethearts be still. It's gonna be alright." Mama cooed while cleaning the bloody slashes. I felt tears fall down my face faster. It's like my eyes are waterfalls.

After 20 minutes.....

Mama was finally done cleaning us up. They were holding me tight but not to hard to hurt me. I was weeping into my fathers shoulder. "Daddy we shouldn't have to be going through this. We are all equal. We are all human. Black folks are people to dammit! Why cant they see that?" I exclaimed into my fathers neck. " I don't know baby. Whites are unpredictable. They hate the color of our skin and I guess that triumphs everything else. That's just the way it is." Daddy rubbed my arm trying to calm me down. One of these days, things are gonna change and whites and blacks will be able to do everything together. Fall in love, work together, go to school, be friends. Everything. That's a promise.

As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber Love Story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now