Chapter 5 Part 2

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*Casey's POV*

        Pain. Excruciating pain. I looked up and found water and smelled what seemed like poop. I must be by the lake. How'd I get here? I leaned more against the big tree unable move another inch as I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened last night.


        I let a scream escape my mouth as Master Bieber whipped Justin across the face with his whip. What was he thinking? I know Master didnt mean to hit him but he jumped in front of me and took the hit for me. As soon as he hit the floor, he didnt move. I put my ear to his chest to check his pulse. Boom, boom, boom, boom <----(Memphis ft Big Sean LOL) Alright, he's fine but he had blood pouring from his left cheek. Suddenly, I was grabbed my arm and dragged down the stairs and out of the house.

        Then I was thrown onto the muddy ground. I looked up and realized that we were by the lake. "I dont know why my son did that. I mean, I taught him when he was younger that people of your kind are worthless and horrible people." Master said raising his voice. I flinched a little when he grabbed me and got in my face. "Where did I got wrong?" He asked

        I swallowed the big lump in my throat and said, "Sir, you didnt go wrong with him. He is the most kind, intelligent, and warmhearted man I know. He may not have turned out the way you wanted him too but he damn sure is 10x better than you brought him up to be. And as for 'my kind' thats were you went wrong. My people are just as equal as you are." 

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. Thats gonna leave a mark. 

        "Who the fuck do you think your talking too?!" 

        "Im a person thats finally had enough of your bullshit." In that moment, I felt strong and in power. But that moment was ruined because the next thing  I knew I was pushed on my back with him on top of me.  I couldnt help but let out a scream, hoping someone would come save me but that resulted in having my head hit on the ground making me see complete darkness. The last thing I felt was Master pulling my dress up and opening me legs.


        Ugh...No wonder why my head is hurting so much. I just hope mama and daddy find me quick before something else does. Theres no telling whats out here. Out of nowhere, I heard a sound coming from behind me on the other side of the tree. I managed to crawl a little ways away from the sound but I was grabbed my the ankle. I screamed to the top of my lungs but was cut off by a hand being placed over my mouth. Oh god please help me!

As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber Love Story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now