Chapter 5 Part 1

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*Justin's POV*

        "Alright. Now how do you say this one?" Casey said as she held a card in front of Jazzy's face. Ever since she turned three, Casey has been helping her with her alphabet and numbers. Mom would write me letters about how well she's doing and how much she improves. I always knew she was a smart kid. Just like her big brother *wink*. 

        "W!" Jazzy shouted. Casey laughed and hugged her tight. Oh how her laugh makes my heart melt. It was music to my ears. Suddenly, I felt my leg being pulled on. I looked down and saw Jazzy pulling on  me.

        "Hi Bieber." She said happily.  I chuckled and picked her up.

         "Hi. How are you?"

       "Im good. Casey is helping me with letters and numbers!" She said as she jumped down and hopped onto Casey's lap. I walked in the room and sat next to them on the floor. "Hello Casey." She smiled and gave me a little wave. Ever since the whole bloody situation a few weeks ago, we've grown a lot closer. Every morning before anyone in the house wakes up, I always help her and her family with work in the fields. Like I said before, I hate this whole slavery thing. I mean if you want someone to do something  at least help them and treat them with respect.  

        "Where's Jaxon?" I said looking around the room. "He's taking a nap." Casey said but jumped when a sudden cry came out of nowhere. Casey gave me a scared look and hurried down the hall. I quickly sat Jazzy down and ran behind her. I stopped at Jaxon's bedroom door to find her trying to calm him down. I hurried over to her trying to help. I know how my parents get when they get disturbed.

        "What the fuck is going on in here?" A loud voice yelled. We both turned and saw my parens with pissed off looks on their faces mainly toward Casey.

        "What did I tell you about making noise when im working!" By this time he had her cornered. Casey never took her eyes off of him. I cant even describe the look on her face. I looked at my mother to get her to stop it but she just walked out the room with Jaxon in her arms. Are you kidding me?!?! The next thing happened so fast. One second my father is raising his whip and the next, a loud scream...


What do you thinks gonna happen to Casey? What happened to Justin? Comment down below and tell me what you thinks gonna happen :)

As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber Love Story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now