Chapter 5 Part 3

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{Song of the Chapter: The Way You Make Me Feel-Michael Jackson R.I.P}

Justin's POV

Ugh stupid sun. Cant a man sleep in peace...wait...I don't remember going to bed last night. I jolted out of the bed but leaned back when I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. "Justin, honey be still." I groaned and turned my head to see my mom with a wet towel that had blood on it.

"Is that my blood?" I asked in confusion. She nodded and sat me up, continuing to clean me up and quite hard might I add.

"Mom, what happened?"

"You jumped in front of that bitch when your father tried to hit her." She said throwing me a glare.

What is she talk...oh yeah! I did jump in front of Casey because she gets beat enough. Im tired of just standing around and watching it happen. "Oh ok." I shrugged. "That's all your gonna say? What you did was really stupid." My eyes widened.

ou think what I did was stupid? What I did was amazing! You and dad treat these people like they are shit! After all they do for your asses, you guys could show a little respect for them." I stood from the bed and walked to my fathers study, leaving my mom in shock. How dare she talk about Casey like that? She didn't do anything wrong. They think that just because their skin is darker they are automatically bad people. But its not just my parents that treat them like.

I barged into dads study and hit my hand on the desk getting his full attention. "Where the hell is Casey?" I didn't have time for his bullshit. Who knows where she could be. Knowing my father she could be hurt or worse. Justin dont think like that. She is fine.


"Where.Is.She?" I demanded getting closer to his face. If he doesn't answer, I swear I will slap that taupe all the way to England and back. Suddenly, a big smirk appeared on his face as he spoke, "Hopefully somewhere getting bitten by snakes wolves."

"Your a sick bastard you know that right?" I turned my back to him and headed towards the door by Robert, Casey's father, who had a worried look on his face. I gave him a quick apologetic look and went to find Casey.

Casey's Pov

I could stop screaming. What if it was Master Bieber again? I cant go for another but its not like I wanted the first. "Casey its me!" The voice yelled. That voice sounds familiar. I turned my head and saw Justin holding my ankle. I let out a breath and relaxed onto the ground. I looked up at his face. "How did you know to find me?"

"Well, Case, its the only place for miles and knowing my lazy ass father he wouldn't go to far." That's true. I remember, when he had to get ready fore a towns meeting, he made me dress him. He really is lazy. "Im sorry to say but that's true. But you know what would be great." I told him trying to keep a poker face.

Justin looked down at me and asked, "What?"

"Itd be great if you would, I don't know...HELP ME UP!!!" I yelled at him. I am still in pain and laying on the hard floor isn't helping. His eyes widened. He leaned down and picked my up bridal style. I groaned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I looked up and caught a glance at his beautiful hazel eyes. I couldn't find the strength to turn away. These big hazel, dreamy eyes could make anybody melt, They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. Well let me tell you, this mans soul is absolutely magnificent.

"Its okay. I will take care of you. Don't worry about anything." I slowly nod my head and laid my head on his buff shoulder.

A few minutes later, we made it back to my little house. Justin slowly sat me on the bed. When he sat me down, he smiled and went to leave, but I grabbed his hand. "Wait." I started. "I want to thank you so much helping me with everything. I really appreciate it, Justin."

He smiled at me and hugged me lightly. "Anytime."

"If it isn't to much to ask, could you please stay with me? I don't think I can walk or work after you know what." I sad hesitantly.

"I don't mind at all and again I am so sorry about what happened with my father."

"Don't worry about it. Now tell me about yourself." He took a seat beside me. "Well you pretty much know all about me. Im 6'1, I am 20 years, I have hazel eyes, short brown hair, 2 younger siblings,...may I go on?" He raised his eyebrows at me playfully. I laughed and said, " I mean the not so obvious things like your favorite color, life goals, you know that kind of stuff."

"Alright, alright! Well I like to horseback right, go for walks, my favorite color is purple, and my life goal is to start my own family restaurant with my wife and kids." I gave him a big smile. "That's not a bad idea, Justin. You know what, I think it will be a huge success. You a smart and independent guy. You will do amazing."

Suddenly I felt a kiss on my cheek. I couldn't help but look at the ground with my cheeks heating up. "Your turn, Case."

"All I have is this story about my best friend that was moved away but its to hard to talk about." As he gave me an understanding nod, he said, "Well can I know her name?"

"Her name is Harmony Mane. She is about my age now. ." I sniffled and wiped away my tear. Justin pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed and relaxed into his chest. Then his breathing started slowing down. I guess he fell asleep. I yawned and slowly let the darkness take over.

As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber Love Story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now