Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Justin’s POV

It’s been 4 days since ive been back and I still haven’t had the guts to talk to Casey. Can you blame? She’s just so beautiful and kind. Anyway, this morning at breakfast, I could barely keep it down because mom and dad were all kissy and touchy. The thing is that I know dad isn’t fateful to mom just by the way he looks at her. He doesn’t have that spark in his eyes anymore. He doesn’t hold her like he means it. I just love seeing her so happy and laughing all the time that I…I don’t have the heart to tell her.

As I stepped out on the front porch of the house, I had only 2 things on my mind. My mother and Casey. I turned my head to the left and watched as Casey and her mother pick the corn cobs off the vine and throw them in the basket. When she finished, she picked up the basket and struggled. Being the thoughtful man that I am, I ran over and helped her before she had the chance to drop the basket. When she looked up and saw me, she gasped and took a step back.

Casey quickly grabbed the basket out of my hands and hurried past me. I turned and followed behind her. “Wait, Casey!” She stopped and slowly turned to me not looking me in the face. “Master Bieber! Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. Please forgive me.” She said as her head hung in shame. “There is nothing to apologize about.” I said shaking my head. “And please call me Justin.” I put my hand on her right shoulder and squeezed a little when suddenly she jumped back. My eye widened when blood started seeping through the sleeve of her dress.

Casey’s POV

Gee thank you! I literally got this thing to stop bleeding 20 minutes ago. I had the urge to roll my eyes at him for bothering me but I am also grateful for him helping me with the corn because if I dropped it, Mrs. Bieber would never let me hear the end of it. I winced in pain and Justin reached over to help me but I held up my hand to stop him. “It’s alright. I got it under control.” I said trying to sound like I wasn’t in pain. To tell you the truth, my arm is in mind numbing pain right now. I got this from another beating yesterday. I had to clean the kitchen and I did but Mr. Bieber had come home after I cleaned the entire kitchen and tracked mud everywhere. Then Mrs. Bieber went crazy and yelled at me for it. She was the one that beat and I was thankful because her beatings are delicate than Mr. Bieber’s.

I turned on my heels and started toward my house when I felt him grab my hand.

“Let me take care of it for you. We don’t want that to get infected now do we?” He chuckled. I cracked a smile and let him pull me in the direction of the mansion. That’s when I realized something. What if the Bieber’s are home? They don’t like us help in the house unless it’s time to prepare dinner or for very special events. Like town parties.

When Justin noticed the look on my face, he automatically knew what I was thinking. I am dead if I step foot in that house! He shook his head and said, “They aren’t home. They had a towns meeting to attend to and they will not be back until sundown.” I looked at the sky and saw that it was still morning so we had plenty of time. I followed him upstairs and into the restroom. He grabbed my waist and sat me on the counter and got a wet cloth and started cleaning me up. Honestly, all I can say is that I screamed once or twice. Or 5 times…Before Justin started cleaning me, he told me to hit him whenever it hurt and I think I bruised him. Bad…

When he finished, I gave him thank you and headed back outside to help when I heard Justin yell out to me, “Your welcome beautiful.” I couldn’t help but smile at him comment. He is very handsome and so nice. I think I could like him.


There it is!!!! FINALLY!!! I know its boring and suckish but thats all I got for today. Youll have to wait until tomorrow for the next chapter and I can just tell you that its gonna be way better than this one.

As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber Love Story) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now