Something About You

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 University of Michigan, Fall 2018

Jordan P.

I just sit and stare in admiration at the beautiful brown-skin girl across the room in our chem lab.  YN YLN. I knew her through one of my teammates Adrian. His girlfriend Carson and YN were close friends. I wanted so badly to ask her on a date, but from the times we all hung out she has openly expressed how she did not want to date for a while especially athletes at that. She dated a football player our Freshman year and he played her so bad she hasn't talk to anyone else since. Especially not another athlete

"Aye man don't burn a hole through her head now." Adrian my teammate said laughing.

"Huh?" I asked. 

"I'm saying you staring at YN pretty hard man. You're going to burn a hole in her head bro. I don't understand why you won't ask her out already." Adrian said. 

"Because you of all people know she does not like athletes. Ole dude that did her wrong freshman year messed it up for boys that are interested in her." I said. 

"That doesn't mean nothing. I'm not just saying this cause we're friends, but JP you're a cool dude. I think she would make an exception for you at least." He expressed. 

"I'd rather not put myself in the position to be embarrassed, so I will continue to "burn holes" in her head." I said while doing the quotation finger motion. "But if the opportunity ever presented itself I'll definitely ask her out." I said to him.


I would be lying if I said I didn't feel eyes on me during class. I lift my head up just to be sure I wasn't going crazy, but low and behold I see one of University of Michigan's star Basketball players Jordan Poole looking in my direction. I wasn't going to be mean about it because based on our encounters he's really sweet. So I just sent him light smile to acknowledge I see him. Truth be told I did have a small crush on him. When Carson and Adrian first introduced us I thought he was so cute. I was cautions of boys especially after getting my heartbroken freshman year by a star athlete. I now steer clear of them now, but it's just something about Jordan that makes me actually want to take a chance at him. Once class let out I decided to go up to him and tell him he was caught.

"I don't know Poole, I'd say there was something on my face the way you're looking at me." I said smiling while walking up to him. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just thought you look rather beautiful today. Like a pretty ass chemist or something." He said to me returning the smile. 

I began blushing which was something he seemed to be able to make me do any time we talked.

"Oh how I love your charm Mr. Poole." I said. 

"Mr. Poole... I love to hear you call my name pretty girl." He said looking me dead in my eyes smiling. 

"Careful light bright, you're tying to start things." I said chuckling. 

I then said bye and turned to start making my way to my next class when I felt him gently grab my hand. I turned my head and he had a cute small smile on his face. 

"You know I'm just going grow a pair and ask if you would like to go on a date with me this weekend?" He asked me. 

I let a smile cascade across my face once he finished his question. 

"I would love to go out with you Jordan." I said blushing. 

Jordan P. 

Hearing her say yes to my date offer literally made my heart skip two beats I was so excited. I'll finally get to take the girl I've been wanting for a while out on a date. I was done with classes for the day and would be getting ready to go to practice later, so I offered to walk with her to her next class. While we were walking I decided to ask what made her say yes to my date. 

"I'm just curious, I've known you for a while, what made you say yes to my date."

"I don't know, but it was just something about you Poole." She said smiling at me. 

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