Chapter 1: Your Secret's Out

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"Patrick Martin Stump."

I walked up to the stand nervously. I sense my mom was watching me while I was going up there. This would not have happen if my mom would have understand, that Pete was not forcing me into anything I knew exactly what I was doing.

"Patrick, can you please tell the jury how old are you?"

"Sixteen" I respond.

"Can you please explain how, Pete Wentz your tenth grade english teacher took advantage of you?"

"He did not take advantage of me, I knew exactly what I was doing!" I shouted.

"Okay, then can you explain how all this happened?"

I nodded. " I guess It started all in the first day of my sophomore year."


"Patrick honey, wake up it's time for your first day of school" my mom shouted.

I groaned. I can't believe summer is over, how I wish it can start all over again. I got up and went to shower, and I got dressed.

I went downstairs my mom was in the kitchen. "Honey breakfast is on the table, hurry up and eat you'll be late for the bus."

I nodded and eat half my breakfast and rushed out the door "Bye mom!" I shouted.

I rushed to the bus stop, good thing I did because once I got there the bus was loading up the other kids.

I smiled once I saw Brendon, I went toward him and sat down. "Hey man."


"You ready for sophomore year?" he asked.

"No... I just want it to be summer again so I can stay in and sleep.

He laughed. "Come on it won't be that bad, who knows this year will get lucky and find ourselves two hot guys."

I doubt it. We arrived at the school, we picked up our schedules and headed to are spot we had freshman year.

"Joe, Spencer!"

"Guys your here." Joe said.

"Hey, yeah ready for another boring day."

"You guys got you schedule?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, I have geometry first hour... Sucks I don't want to do math this early in the morning" Brendon whined.

"What do you have Trick?" Joe asked.


"I have bio. And Spencer has World History."

We looked at our other classes, at least I have a few classes with the guys. Then the bell rang telling us to get to our first hour.

"See you guys later."

I finally made it to English class right on time before the bell rang. I looked around the room, for an empty seat there was one in the front of the room and I sat down.

"Hello Class, I'm Mr. Wentz and I'll be your English teacher for the year." Mr. Wentz was gorgeous, he had dark brown eyes, dark long hair... Wait what???

"Okay before we get started, I'm going to take attendance to learn your guys names."

He started calling off people's names, a few new students I never seen before and the rest I know since last year.

"Patrick Stump."

I raise my hand. "Here."

He smiled at me. "Nice to meet you Patrick."

I couldn't help but blush, when he said that and I really couldn't understand why I did.

End of Flashback)

"So it was love at first sight."

"No... It was more like physical attraction, at least for me it was." I responded.

(A/N Hey so I don't know if this confusing or not but when Patrick was going to say his testimony it went to a flashback of what happen, while it was on flashback Patrick explained what happen in a simple matter, because I know he can't remember word by word everybody said that day, anyway long story short lots of Flashbacks are going to be in this story.)

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