Chapter 14: I Confess, I Messed Up

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"Please bring the defendant to the stand" I heard judge Arthur say. He was old, had grey thin hair and a big bold spot in the middle of his head, with round shaped glasses.

An officer appoints me up to the stand. I sat down waiting to be questioned.

"Pete Wentz, is it?"

I look up seeing a tall man with light brown hair, black frame glasses, with an ugly blue colored suite.


"Mr. Wentz, please in your own words tell us how your relationship with sixteen year old sophomore Patrick Stump began."

I smiled once I heard Patrick's name, even through it is illegal for me to ever start a relationship with Patrick, I don't regret it. I would do all over again, just to have him by my side.

"Mr. Wentz, we're waiting" Judge Arthur says.

"Can you be more specific, with your questions. Many things happened in my relationship, that I don't know where to begin" I said.

"Okay then, Let me rephrase my question. Why did accept to have a relationship with Patrick Stump if you knew it was wrong, from the moment you kissed him?"

"I was confused. After I kissed Patrick I didn't have the guts to see him after that. I thought if I had time alone to figure everything would be back to normal... But I was also scared."

"Scared of what... That Patrick would accuse you of what you did to him."

"Yes, I think it would be the first this someone of Patrick's age would do. Patrick is only sixteen year old sophomore student and I'm... A twenty-four year old high school English teacher."


I ran out of the school building, I can't believe I kissed one of my student. It wasn't a teenager girl, but a guy. I am such an idiot.

I finally got home. I need to just calm down and relax. I hear my dog, Hemingway coming towards me waging his tail.

"Hey boy." I said petting the top of his head."Daddy did something terrible today and might be taken away for a while." He stop waging his tail and barked then ran off somewhere else.
So much for comfort.

I don't want to go back to that school tomorrow. What if Patrick already told his parents and the cops are on the way. Or what if I get arrested tomorrow while I'm teaching class. I don't want anybody else telling me I'm... Okay I just need to calm down and call the school telling them, I'll be out for the rest of the week.

I reached for my phone and called the school. "Hello."

"Hey Peg. It's me Pete Wentz."

"Oh hey Pete, What can I help you with."

"Well... I won't be able to teach for the rest of the school week."

"What that's too bad, is there anything specific you might what to tell us?"

"No it's actually a private matter, I would like to keep to myself."

"Okay understood, well call in a sub for the week."

"Great I'll send my enrollments and my agenda for each of my classes by email. Do you mind making copies once I send them?"

"Not at all Pete. Well I hope everything turns out Okay and we'll see you next week."

"Okay thank you bye."

No one at the school knows so far, so Patrick didn't go running for help right away. I wonder how he is doing, I think I scared him, his didn't kiss back when I kissed him. Then again why would he, I'm nothing but his teacher.

I still felt Patrick lips on mine. His lips where so soft and pink. I don't know what came over me, seeing him perform like that, I think it was a turn on for me. I would admit when I first saw him I throught he was the most adorable student I ever had.

Fuck Pete get it together. You can't be in love with one of your students especially if there only sixteen.

End of Flashback)

"What were you doing if you weren't at school for the rest of the week Wentz?"

"Waiting and regretting."

"Waiting and regretting what exactly?"

"Waiting for the cops or somebody to arrest me for what I've done. Regretting all those times I jerked off remembering Patrick's lips and wanting more."

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