Chapter 20: I'm Trying To Sleep, but I Can't

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"Patrick, come back here we need to talk!"

"No we have nothing to talk about mom, I don't want to see you."

"Rick honey, I did this for your own good."

"My own good. You took the only person that made me feel loved. You were selfish, you never once listen to me on how all this happened."

"Patrick he took advantage of you I didn't want to see you get hurt. What was there to listen to" she cried.

"He never once took advantage of me and if I got hurt then that was my problem. When are you going to understand that I'm not a little kid anymore."

"Your my son, and your not old enough to make your own choices."

"Soon I will be and you'll never see me again. I will never forgive you for what you did!"

"I signed you up in a boarding school far from here. You'll be leaving tomorrow so I suggest you pack."

"I'm not going anywhere, you can't make me."

"You said it yourself your not old enough yet. You'll be there for two years hopefully you could forget all this non sense soon and start a new life with a boy your age."

"I will never forget Pete because I love him!"

"You know nothing about love Patrick, your just mad and confused right now."

"And you know so much about love that dad left you." I felt a left cheek heat up once my mom removed her hand.

"Patrick... I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you."

"I hate you! I wish you were never my mother!" I yelled as I stormed off into my room.

All night I couldn't sleep. Four years is way too long. I wanted to see Pete now. I throught once I turned eighteen everything would be alright and I would visit Pete with no problem, but I'm not allowed anywhere near him.

I'm not going to any boarding school, I rather run away but my mom will probably stop at nothing to find me. I can't sleep and I'm not spending my last night here.

I stood up and opened my window slipping outside I walked all the way to Pete's house, knowing it will be completely empty. Hemingway was sent to a temporary home. I wish I would have kept him until Pete came back.

I grabbed the key under the mat and walked right in. This house will be nothing but a memory of everything Pete and I did.

I knew I shouldn't be here. Every inch of this house reminds me of him.

I sighed, This is going to be difficult.

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