6. Mission: Avoid.

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Chapter 6 - Mission Avoid.

"I'm fine Mel. Yes I do know him and Yes he is the guy I was talking too in the mall earlier... I wasn't keeping anything from you! I'll explain everything later. No! don't call the police, everything is okay I promise. Yes, I know I'm in a lot of trouble. I'll call you tomorrow, bye"

     I end the call to a very grumpy Mel and turn around to face an equally grumpy Alexander, who is sat stiffly on the edge of my bed. The thought of him being on my bed prompts very dirty thoughts, very dirty thoughts that are not welcome right now!

"Are you just going to stare at me?" He asks softly, all traces of his previous anger gone.

He doesn't look at me, instead he keeps his focus of his hands which are balled up into fists and placed on his lap.

Okay, maybe he is still a little angry at me...

"I'm just waiting to see if you've finished shouting at me or if there's going to be a second wind" I answer sarcastically.

     How can he be so mad at me when he's equally to blame! He brings a woman to a restaurant and I'm expected to sit there and act like that's okay, but if I'm with another guy he gets to fly off the handle and blame me for his anger. Not fair.

"I'm trying very hard to control myself at the moment. Part of me wants to go back to that restaurant and rip that boy to pieces but the other part of me wants to ravish you and love you passionately right here, in your bed. I don't think you'd want either of those things to happen right now, so be very careful what you say to me" He warns.

Ravish and love me passionately??? Ooh God, I need to sit down!

He finally looks up and meets my eyes. He looks tortured.

I sigh and take a seat on the bed next to him.

"I'm sorry...I don't understand why I feel certain things around you or why I act a certain way around you. It's never felt like this with anyone else before. I never get jealous and I never do stupid things like flirt with someone else to get a guys attention..." I begin to apologise but he cuts me off.

"It's fine, I understand what you're saying. The reason why it's so different with us is because we are mates and we share a strong connection. Deep down you know that I belong to you, whether you have accepted it or not yet does not make a difference - if you see me with another female, your instincts take over as do mine when I see you with another male. The issue here is that my instincts are to kill and I do not want to kill your friends. Let me assure you that I have no interest in Soira or any other woman, you're the only one for me and I promise to try and be a little more sensitive towards your feelings from now on." He takes a deep breath, unclenches his fists and slowly, hesitantly, wraps his arms around me as if half expecting me to flinch away or hit him with something.

After an apology like that, how can I resist? I snuggle into his arms and bask in his warmth and the feelings of comfort, security and love.

"I promise to do the same. I'm sick of fighting this, of fighting you" I yawn, and bury my head deeper into the crook of his neck.

     Waves of exhaustion wash over me and in a matter of mere seconds, darkness clouds my mind and I fall into a peaceful dream. Just before that happened, I felt Alex shift us so we were both laying down on my bed and then I felt his lips brush softly against my temple.

"You can't imagine how happy I am to hear you say those words" He whispers.

I wake up alone and it takes me a brief moment to question if last night was just a dream but the note on my desk confirms that Alexander was indeed here last night. It reads:

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