3. Introductions.

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 Chapter 3 – Introductions.

     As my eyelids flutter open, images instantly flash through my mind; the forest, the tomb, the hot guy with the amazing blue eyes, the letter, the crimson rose. He was here, I fainted...and he saw me in my Spongebob pyjamas. How embarrassing! 

     As the black spots fade and my vision clears, I notice that I'm still at home, tucked up safely in my bed. Well, at least he didn't kidnap me! I sit up slowly and rub my aching temples. I instinctively glance around the room, I can't see him but that doesn't mean he isn't here, lurking somewhere within my house. My eyes stop at the window – placed against the glass is another crisp white envelope and second crimson rose.

A tired sigh escapes my lips as I roll out of bed and tip toe across the hardwood floor, over to the window.

Hi honey, I'm home” His husky voice echoes through my mind.

He's such a creep. Gorgeous beyond belief, but still a creep...

Again, I grab the envelope, flip it over, rip open the seal, pull the letter out and read:

'The depth of my feelings for you makes me feel faint too..'

Is he being sarcastic or is he just mentally ill?

     I grab the other letter and shove them both in the draw of my desk - out of sight, out of mind as the saying goes. As for the flowers, I open my window and throw them out onto the garden – hopefully he's watching and saw that! Pervert.

Suddenly, my skin begins to tingle and I can feel the strength of that strange magnetic pull..he's here, in my bedroom!

“That's not very polite Norah, I picked those roses just for you” His breath fans my neck.

     I jump out of his reach and spin around to face him, holding my hands up in a defensive position. My eyes meet his for the second time and I feel like I may faint again...I just can't comprehend how stunningly beautiful he is – it's not normal, it's inhuman!

He appears very pleased by the obvious awestruck look in my eyes.

“Who are you and what the hell do you want?” I hiss, standing my ground and flat out refusing to let his beauty intimidate me.

“Don't be like that sweetheart, I'm not here to hurt you.” He insists innocently but I spot the mischievous sparkle in his Caribbean blue eyes.

“If you're not going to tell me then get OUT!” I shout and throw the nearest object I could reach at him – which just so happened to be my hair straighteners.

     He ducks as the hair straighteners fly over his head and I take this momentary lapse in his concentration as my opportunity to run. I make a bolt for the door but his arms encircle me within seconds and a loud growl rumbles inside of his chest, finding release through his throat.

“You're playing hard to get and I love it” He murmurs, trailing hot, sweet, delicious kisses down the side of my throat.

     I cant control the sigh that escapes my lips. Nobody has ever kissed me like this before and let me tell you, it feels...really good! I feel him smile against my skin - he now knows my self control has slipped. My body relaxes and responds to his touch and he takes great advantage of this. He spins me around in his arms and cups my face in his palms, he studies my features with lust filled eyes. He leans in and stops just before our lips meet, he skims his nose against mine and whispers against my lips.

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