2. Catch me if you can.

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Chapter 2 – Catch me if you can.

     I have never run so fast in my entire life! I'm amazed I didn't fall and break something! I have also never been so shocked or scared in my entire life and now paranoia is creeping in! The doors are locked and so are the windows, the curtains are closed, the lights are out and I parked my car further down the road on the opposite side of the street – just in case the hot tomb guy comes looking for me! Oh God! What if the legend is true and the hot tomb guy is actually the ravenous, blood thirsty vampire and I've unleashed him to kill us all?! No. That's impossible. Vampires do not exist!...I just need a minute to calm down and reassess the situation.

Ugh! trust my mother to be working late tonight of all nights! I need someone here with me, I'm scared!

     I close my eyes and sit stiffly on the edge of my bed, throwing nervous glances between the window and the door. Crystal blue eyes invade my mind, the exact same colour of the Caribbean ocean. Well, I did wonder what colour eyes he had and somehow I'm not surprised - they are my absolute favourite colour. Slicing through the silence like an alarm bell and scaring the absolute crap out of me at the same time, a call comes through to my iphone, making it sing and vibrate in my pocket. I unclench my fingers, remove my hand from my heart, take a deep breath and answer the phone. 

“Hi Norah!” Mel chirps, happily unaware of the fragile condition my heart is currently in. 

"Hey Mel, you can't imagine how happy I am to hear your voice!" I sigh with relief.

“Are okay? You sound out of breath!” She asks, her voice laced with concern.

“Oh I'm fine, I just ran up the stairs” I lie.

Should I tell her the truth? Would she even believe me?

“If you are out of breath from running up the stairs, it means you're unfit! Anyway, I have the best news ever! guess what it is!” She chastises me and then her voice morphs into a high pitched squeal that only ever happens when one particular person is involved - Jared Jenkins.

"I'm guessing this has something to do with Jar-" She cuts me off quickly.

“He sent me a friends request on Facebook! He knows I exist!” She's jubilant and I'm thankful for the distraction.

“Of course he knows you exist Mel. You embarrass yourself in front of him on a daily basis, it's kind of hard to miss...” I tease and she knows I'm only joking. Well, half joking.

Mel erupts into a fit of giggles as we gossip through our phones.

“Oh shut up! I do not...okay, maybe I do but perhaps he finds that cute and endearing? Should I say something to him on Monday?” She asks me and I can tell she's almost bubbling over with excitement.

“Like what? 'Hi Jared, I've been stalking you for three years and now that you've added me on Facebook, I can repeatedly check your statuses and drool over your profile picture' I don't think so!” I lightly mock, causing us both to cackle like best friends do.

“I'm not that bad!” She breathes, trying to control her laughter.

“You know I'm only joking Mel! I'm glad he's added you on Facebook, it proves that he knows you exist and it implies that he may be interested in getting to know you more...otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to add you” I offer her my insight and optimism.

At that moment, I hear the soft hum of an engine pull into our drive and I'm grateful that my mom is now home and I'm no longer on my own.

“Mel, I have to go. My mom just got back" I state, my voice is heavy with relief.

“Okay Norah, I'll speak to you tomorrow!” She sighs dreamily and I can almost visualise the smile on her lips. Jared Jenkins should consider himself one lucky guy!

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