8. Make out Sessions.

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Chapter 8 - Make out sessions.

"So you think I killed Jessica Morris and have something to do with the other girls disappearance?" He frowns and shoots me a glare.

"I said 'I thought' not 'I think'...I know it wasn't you now! but what was I supposed to think? We've only known each other for a few days and you have already admitted to being a vampire and vampires kill!" I sigh, shaking my head in annoyance.

"Thanks for having faith in me" He grumbles moodily.

"Don't be like this! can we for once not argue? We need to get to the bottom of this and figure out who it is that is attacking people in this town!" I whine and glance at him with pleading eyes.

He nods and remains silent.

 "Do you want to take a shower first? no offence, but the amount of blood you are covered in is making me feel queasy" I offer him a small smile - he doesn't return it. Bastard.

"I haven't got any clothes to change into..." He answers quietly.

"My mom still has a few of my dad's shirts and jeans in the cupboard - I can see if anything fits?" I suggest.

Again, he simply nods and his mouth remains silent. Why is he always so angry at me! I haven't done anything wrong this time - it's not like I'm the one who attacked him!

     I watch his broad, muscular frame retreat to my en-suit and I let out a long, trembling sigh when I hear the door click shut. I trudge out of my room and into my mom's closet - there's a box in the bottom full of my dad's old clothes. She doesn't know that I know that she still has them...I guess she's still not completely over their divorce. I find a smart pale blue button up shirt and a plain white cotton t-shirt that look as though they might fit Alex, although they will be a little tight around his muscles - not that I have a problem with that. I also grab a pair of casual jeans, a brown leather belt and a pair of comfy sweat pants from the box - again, the jeans will probably be a little tight in some places but I'm not going to complain.

     I walk back to my room and when I enter, the pile of clothes I'm holding almost slips right out of my hands. My eyes widen and my jaw drops open. Holy mother of God, he's virtually naked! only my tiny bath towel is wrapped around his waist, barely covering his modesty. I've wondered occasionally what his body looks like without clothes and now I know and let me tell you, it's even better than I had imagined!

He's glorious, perfection in its highest form, completely and truly unfairly gorgeous!

     He senses me behind him and when he turns around and notices my wide eyes, a blinding, pearly white smile forms across his lips. He's pleased that I like what I see and it obviously makes him proud. He saunters seductively towards me and I instantly hold my hand up to stop him.

"What?" He asks innocently, his handsome smirk never falters.

"Don't!" I breathe.

He is seriously bipolar!

His smirk breaks out into a full blown grin.

"Like what you see?" He raises an eyebrow and leans casually against my bed frame.

What he's doing is hardly subliminal! he's 90% naked and leaning against my bed! I know exactly what game he's playing.

"It's yours you know" He speaks again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I mumble dreamily. I must look so stupid right now.

"This" He glances down at his God like physique.

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