10. Winning the lottery.

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Chapter 10 - Winning the lottery.

     Tonight, I've seen a completely different side to Alexander and it's a side that I really like. It gives me hope and sets my world alight because I know deep down that no matter what happens, he will always be here for me; protecting me, guiding me, looking after me and most importantly, he'll always love me - he's said so himself. I may not be in the exact same emotional place as he is - his feelings for me outweigh my own for him - but that is only temporary. I can definitely see myself being in love with him in the near future, the very near future, if I'm being totally honest. I feel awful for doubting him and for instantly pinning the blame for this town's trouble on him, but he understands why I felt that way and why I assumed it was him who is responsible for the strange disappearance of that girl from East Coast High and for the untimely death of Jessica Morris. This afternoon we spoke about all of that, about all of the trouble that seems to be brewing in this town and what we can do to stop it from exploding and claiming the lives of more innocent people - but tonight is about us. Tonight we will not speak about anything else apart from ourselves and each other. If we want this to work then we need to get to know each other properly, the old fashioned way. I've never been in a relationship before so this is all new for me and I really want to take it slow to ensure that we do it properly and to ensure that I never doubt his word again. I don't know if he's ever been with anyone before me - he probably has considering how old he is and quite frankly, the thought makes me sick to my stomach. I know it will be harder for him to take it slow because he is hyper-aware of the bond we share and can feel it a hundred times stronger than me because he's a vampire and I'm just a human, but I know that he will respect my wishes and not do anything that would make me feel even the slightest bit under pressure.

     I'm currently in the huge walk in wardrobe which is twice the size of my own bedroom and unbelievably enough, this space is allocated purely for my own clothes and accessories. What's even more unbelievable is that this room is full to the brim of brand new clothes, designer dresses, handbags, shoes and jewellery - it's far too much!

"This is completely over the top, you must have spent a fortune!" I cry with disbelief.

"So?" Alexander shrugs his shoulders as he leans against the wall, observing my every movement.

"You're more than worth it so I don't see the problem" He adds, his voice sounding a little stern.

"It makes me feel uncomfortable" I confess and glance over my shoulder at him.

     He lazily pushes his body off the wall and comes to me. I turn around to face him properly and feel his arms slip around my waist. He pull me tightly against his body and captures my eyes with his own soft and truthful ones.

"Money means nothing when you have been around as long as I have. I've been accumulating my own wealth for three hundred years and that doesn't include the money my father left me. I've told you before that I was waiting a very long time for you and whilst I was waiting, I spent my days ensuring that when the time came and I found you, I would be able to spoil you and lavish you with the finer things in life if that is what you wish. You deserve the world Norah, and I've worked damn hard over the years to make sure you can have it if it's what you want. Never feel uncomfortable about it!" He demands in a soft voice before leaning down and planting a sweet and earnest kiss upon my lips.

How on earth did I get so lucky? he's far too good to be true!

"I feel like I'm dreaming and I'm scared that today is exactly that" I sigh and lean my head against his muscular chest.

"A dream?" He asks, confused.

"Yes and I'm scared that tomorrow I'll wake up and you'll be gone." I admit, blushing like mad.

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