Chapter 4 | Beauty Beyond Belief

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The woman trembled delicately, brilliant blue eyes widening as she stood as still. 

Waves of electricity and tingly sensations travelled down from the side of her neck to the rest of her skin. It felt so good it was nearly pleasurable- making her voice want to bubble up with songs.

When River felt she should be afraid, something in her mind wistfully told her everything was okay—better than okay.

Two large hands hovered on either side of her, fingers twitching with the insatiable urge to touch her- to grasp her in his arms. The hot breath steaming against her neck became more frantic. 

She couldn't say a word; her throat was closed. It was like she was caught doing something wrong, but she wasn't.

The man took a deep breath, licking his lips. "You are... amazing," he whispered, his lips barely grazing her lobe. She pursed her lips and took in a heavy breath.

River's heart thundered in her ears, violently beating against its bony cage. Her knees were wobbly; she could fall at any moment. 

Taking a deep breath, she found the courage to step outside the invisible cage she had found herself in. Whipping around, now at a good distance, she looked up at the man.

His eyes were a deep chocolate brown, a pair she could get lost in for eternity. 

He looked at River as if she were a gem amongst rocks, pure love and adoration swarming within his eyes. Like a wave of calm washed over her, she tilted her head confidently. "I-I'm the ichthyologist hired to check the fish-" She explained, "Sir."

The man's eyebrow raised, an impressed gleam shining within his gentle eyes. "Not only gorgeous but also smart?" He shook his head with a deep chuckle, "Fuck, I got lucky..." The man passionately breathed. 

He sounded so in love that it made her blush furiously, but she held her head high. She didn't know why, but his glance made her want to impress him and exceed his expectations.

Before River could say another word, he stepped forward and offered a warm hand. 

"Lucifer Dieu, mademoiselle." He introduced, gently teasing her French accent. The woman stood there for a moment before hurriedly responding, 

"Oh- Uh- River Roi." She took his hand. Sparks exploded like fireworks under her skin, a pleasurable wave of affection warmly hugging her heart.

He shivered just like she did- his adoring eyes darkening with a... different feeling.

Lucifer gently lifted her hand to his lips and lovingly kissed all her knuckles. The red blush on her cheeks spread to her ears, as brilliant a red as a red carpet. 

He seemed to enjoy her shyness. "Beautifully unique name." He said in a low baritone tone before returning her hand. 

His flirting was off the charts. It was unlike anything she had heard before, unlike anything from any movie she had watched. He was so confident, so quick to hear her name and share his own, as if she'd disappear at any moment.

THE TYRANT (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now